Pencil Drawing Artwork - Sweet and spoiled little girl

in hive-185836 •  2 days ago 


Pencil Drawing Artwork.
Sweet and spoiled little girl

Today, I will show you a picture of a sweet and spoiled little girl, which I painted with a pencil at home, the picture I made, I made it gradually, until it was finished.

I made a simple drawing of uni, using a pencil, ruler tissue and eraser.

for the whole, let's see below:

Stages of Completing Pencil Drawings







Pencil Drawing Completed


that's what I can say, hopefully it's useful.



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Gambar pensil kali ini mirip sama gadis Tionghoa, China. Sep bereh jue, han bosan takalen👍👍👍

hehehhe .. hadir sabe, jak ikot kontest aju bang, peugah aju pu na heut... semoga meu raseuki. :)

Siap bang Sultan. Payah long pelajari ilee, lheuh nyan akan long coba ikot, semoga beruntung, hehe

pu belajar lom, rap rap tuha bak steemit.. hehehehe

Hehehe, tapi pengalaman bagian fotografi golom pernah terjun langsung u lapangan. Jadi payah beuna edukasi cit bacut nak pah lom.

hehehehe ...
yang kana na aju, lage yang kana ... hehehe

Oke, siap🙂