Surprise Promo Steem Gebyar Gempita 2022
Event 2 Done
Tonight, all of you will see, the activities in the "Surprise Promo Steem Gebyar Gempita 2022" which was created and sponsored directly by the WorldOfXpilar Community in #Steem , this activity, of course, is tied to the activities we did yesterday, and this is a continuation of activities from the first event, which we have done.
If you are a whole steem user, some have not seen it, you can see it at the link below:
This activity, its nature is only to help the community, this is because, with the distance from the village which is very far from the city and in the interior of the village, we are happy to do this activity of course.
Activities 1 and 2, until the time of this post, have spread to other villages, on behalf of the activities carried out by Media, greetings from the Worldofxpilar Steem Blockchain Community, with this post, I inform you, the activities of the Surprise Promo Steem Gebyar We have completed the Gempita 2022 Event 2 and are successful.
In this activity, we really prioritize, all assistance can be received directly to people who need it, without hesitation, we also invite all people in this area, and some specially invited residents, even though some are unable to attend, we will continue this event with the WOX Community -Local Aceh-team.
Purchasing Residents' Needs
In this main activity, we hand over assistance to the people here, because previously this village had become the first village to become a Steem Development village -, which was carried out by the biggest pioneer of the community, namely WORLDOFXPILAR COMMUNITY.
Material Purchase
- Rice
- Cooking oil
Preparation for handing over aid to the community
in the preparation for the delivery of aid to the community, all of us, have gathered here "Al-Qariah Mosque and Children's Education Center, to carry out all preparations for places and invitations to residents, this preparation, we do until late at night, so that all events in activities this, went smoothly, after all the preparations for this event were completed, then, I contacted the Community Admin, @xpilar.
the event could already be started, because the Internet condition in this village was cut off "bad weather", "unable to receive and receive news replies". , I began to continue, in the event of handing over aid to the community.
Handover of Aid to the community
Handover of Aid To this community, I was accompanied by other members, with some assistance with other activities, such as:
- photo shoot
- manage the queue of citizens
- help arrangement
- etc
so, then our event begins, handing over assistance to the community here, below is the whole picture:
Group Photo and End of Event
after the event above is over we all meet each other face to face and smile at each other with the residents here, you can also see it, how is the condition of their faces with movements while sitting and sitting on velvet which I also bought using steem. very nice to see.
That's all I can say, in advance I would also like to thank those who are written below :
Sponsor No.1
- Team Steemit "Voice support"
- Worldofxpilar Community "Voice and Real support"
- Team Norway "Voice support"
- Witness Steem "Voice and Real support"
- Aceh-Team Member "Voice and Real support"
- Whole Post Voters "Voice "
- User Steem "Voice and Real support"
WorldOfXpilar Community - Local Aceh Team Member
The event has been successfully implemented
Steem Gebyar Gempita 2022 Surprise Promo - Events 1 and 2 Done
From the WORLDOFXPILAR Community
for the local community in Buket
in the hamlet of Cot Kiro
Don't go anywhere, keep waiting for my next post, you will see:
Posting Surprise Promo Steem Gebyar Gempita 2022 - Event 3
Fees will be used from donations and posting payments
Especially for Children's Education
Donation List 1
List- Name | STEEM | SBD |
1. @xpilar | 50 | - |
2. @steem-supporter | 50 | - |
3. @the100 | 50 | - |
TITLE : Buildings built with STEEM-STEEMIT || Mushalla Al-Qariah in Aceh Year 2022
POSTING 1 | 12.398 | 4.177 |
Total Steem Donation and Posting Payout
List- Name | STEEM | SBD |
1. @xpilar | 50 | - |
2. @steem-supporter | 50 | - |
3. @the100 | 50 | - |
4. Post | 12.398 | 4.177 |
Total | 162.398 | 4.177 |
Estimated Total Steem Donation and Posting Payout
With Indonesian Currency in Coingecko
STEEM | IDR | SBD | IDR | Total IDR |
162.398 | - | 4.177 | - | 1.509.111 |
Note 1:
Purchases of Steem and Sbd were purchased by @sultan-aceh at the highest prices directly, to cover this need as a whole.( The handover event has been completed )
Donation List 2
Especially for Village Children's Education
List- Name | STEEM | SBD |
1. @olesia | - | 25 |
2. @xpilar | 50 | - |
3. @steem-supporter | 50 | - |
4. @the100 | 50 | - |
Total | 150 | 25 |
POSTING 2 | 15.311 | 6.598 |
TITTLE 3 : Have Made Purchase 1 | The Needs for Mushalla and Al-Qariah Children's Education Center
POSTING 3 | 6.955 | 3.316 |
POSTING 3 | 12.517 | 5.968 |
Estimated Total Steem Donation and Posting Payout
With Indonesian Currency in Coingecko
STEEM | IDR | SBD | IDR | Total IDR |
172.266 | 1.129.049 | 34.914 | 1.943.143 | 3.158.599 |
Note 2 :
Purchases of Steem and Sbd were purchased by @sultan-aceh at the highest prices directly, to cover this need as a whole, for Village Children's Education
2 | DONATION LIST 1 | 150 | - |
2 | DONATION LIST 2 | 150 | 25 |
3 | POSTING 1 | 12.398 | 4.177 |
4 | POSTING 2 | 15.311 | 6.598 |
5 | POSTING 3 | 6.955 | 3.316 |
5 | POSTING 4 | 12.517 | 5.968 |
6 | TOTAL | 347.181 | 45.059 |
Note :
All additional donations and subsequent post payments, will be added directly to the list above
On behalf of the @WorldOfXpilar community and members of @aceh-team and I @sultan-aceh, Represent, @xpilar and WOX Moderators, I would like to thank those who have supported this procurement activity, both in the real world, online, with enthusiastic support and in prayer.
A big thank you from me on behalf of the World Of Xpilar Community
@xpilar "Admin" - Moderator and @sultan-aceh "Event organiser"
Note :
- The cost of buying rice and cooking oil above has been paid for by @sultan-aceh
You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!
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Thank you so much Support This Post @stef1
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Alhamdulillah, saya sangat terharu melihat gambar
penyerahan bantuan untuk warga Buket, dusun Cot Kiro. Semoga suatu hari saya juga bisa mengikuti jejak bang @sultan-aceh, membantu masyarakat yang kurang mampu.
Pokok jih pat na bang @sultan-aceh, disinan na senyum kebahagiaan.
Selamat beristirahat, saleum kompak.
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terima kasih @midiagam
ini juga terlaksana berkat dukungan semua pihat di dan pendukung utama dan penguna.
uang bukan segala galanya @midiagam, mereka sangat membutuhkannya.
#Steem - tetap no.1 dalam senyum kebahagiaan orang lain
saban saban Selamat beristirahat, saleum kompak @aceh-team
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Betul bang @sultan-aceh. Uang atau harta sifatnya hanya sementara, yang kekal abadi adalah sedekah untuk saling bantu sesama.
Sukses selalu buat tim Aceh dan juga bang @sultan-aceh, serta semua yang ikut terlibat dalam kegiatan amal ini.
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A very noble activity in the holy month of Ramadan, the cohesiveness of all elements involved in the success of this event is extraordinary, hopefully in the future we can continue to maintain noble activities like this,😇😇
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hallo @diary-macro
terima kasih atas komentar baik anda, anda memang memiliki sifat yang mulia dan baik,
terima kasih telah membantu saya selama dalam masa kegiatan ini.
semoga anda selalu dalam keadaan sehat bersama keluarga
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Alhamdulillah, aku bangga menjadi bagian dari #Aceh-Team, sangat membanggakan bisa melihat orang-orang disekitar kita tersenyum bahagia. Apresiasi yang sangat besar kepada siapa saja yang telah berpartisipasi dalam acara ini, special thanks to leader #Aceh-Team, bang @sultan-aceh!.🙏👍❤️
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terima kasih @adivender
semoga kita selalu bisa membantu orang lain bersama sama 🙏👍
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Aamiin, Insya Allah!.
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hana neueh lom lago adeun lon si urat teuk .. hahahah
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Haha..tanggong, lheuh Suboh euntk ta peusigo!.😀
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Alhamdulillah, dengan ada bantuan seperti ini masyarakat di desa buket merasa senang dan juga sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang membutuhkannnya. Salam
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terima kasih @asriani
benar ibu ... semoga kita selalu bisa membantu orang lain bersama sama 🙏👍
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Ya bg sama-sama ☺
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Que iniciativa tan bonita, y que linda sus franelas iguales, se ve todo limpio, organizado, sin duda le ponen corazón, Muchas gracias por ayudar.
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thank you so much @styngrey
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Ramadhan penuh berkah.
Terlihat Semua terjalin begitu harmonis di warnai senyuman dan ke-akraban.
Sukses terus buat bang sultan dan teman-teman dari aceh-team, salam.😊😊
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terima kasih @ewiendos 😊😊
semoga, dimasa yang akan datang, anda juga bisa bergabung dengan kami di kota lhoksemawe, dan kami juga bisa memberi bantuan ke daerah anda di sigli.
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Demikian dengan harapan saya juga. Semoga saja terwujud, sehingga dapat memper-erat silahturahmi dan keakraban bersama rekan-rekan Aceh-team khususnya.😊
Terima kasih banyak bang sultan itu adalah ide yang bagus.👍👍😀
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Hi~ sultan-aceh!

@eii has gifted you 1 SHOP!
Currently you have: 2 SHOP
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Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!SHOP
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thank you so much @teamcn-shop
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
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thank you so much
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