The most beautiful mushrooms in Aceh Forest

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 


The most beautiful mushrooms in Aceh Forest

Hello everyone, today I will show you all the most beautiful types of Mushrooms in Aceh Forest, which I found yesterday, in order to find post material with members of the Aceh-Team, this type of mushroom, a very beautiful type of mushroom that I have ever found in the Aceh forest, some of the characteristics of this type, only a few places I can find, for example:

  • beside a lake in the forest
  • by the river

Some of these places have been around for a long time, until we came to this place, I also found several other types of mushrooms, which I want to show you all, so that you can know, that in the Aceh forest there are still many types of mushrooms that are beautiful, unique and rare, what is the location where I found this type of mushroom, let's see it in the image below:


as you can see above, that's the location where I found this type of mushroom, although far, certain steps, will definitely find good results too.

Several types of mushrooms that I found in this area, I have prepared below, some pictures, which I photographed from several different points of view, so that you know, the types of mushrooms I mean, let's look at them together below:



























like that is the type of mushroom that I mean, I hope you are all happy to see it with your family at home.

don forget #promosteem and #tron in your country

Hilsen @sultan-aceh


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Macro PhotographyMushroom
Location PhotoAceh Forest
Camera usedHandphone


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Memang @sultan-aceh selalu menunjukkan jenis jamur yang sangat indah dan menakjubkan, luarbiasa bang👌👌👌

thank you so much :) adi.pisces

Sama-sama bang @sultan-aceh 👌👌👌

how are you dear friend @ sultan-aceh good afternoon
You are a true mushroom hunter, this species has never seen, it is really very beautiful.
You're doing a great job of mushroom documentation. Congratulations
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a well-deserved rest

WOAH, you aren't kidding, these are most definitely the most beautiful mushrooms I have seen.

thank you so much :)

Ini luar biasa indahnya.
Dengan warnanya yang memukau dan bentuk nyan yang menggoda.Terimakasih sudah berbagi...

thank you so much :)

Warna merah yang indah, jamur jarang di temukan, tapi dengan dedikasi yang tinggi mendapatkan foto jamur luar biasa, salut!!

thank you so much :)

I am so amazed by the mushrooms that you display tonight, it is amazing. good luck always @sultan-aceh

thank you so much :)

Really it’s so beautiful! Never seen before. Amazing shots!

thank you so much :)

ilalah cantek Bana kilat nii

thank you so much :)

Hermosas fotos

thank you so much :)

Wow @sultan-aceh the mushroom is indeed unique, i have not come across it in my home town but its unique; maybe one day i will come in contact with it

thank you so much :)

Really amazing pictures.the colour of the mushroom is very gorgeous.

thank you so much :)

Warna dan bulu jamur sangat keren,,jamur unik...

thank you so much :)

Hello! Really great photos! 😍

thank you so much :)

Que buenas tomas, excelente trabajo, la naturaleza nos asombra con su belleza.

thank you so much :)

Saya Terpesona, hasil jempretan dari handphone anda menghasilkan gambar yang luar biasa, pertama sekali dalam hidup saya bisa melihat jamur yang indah seperti itu, saya suka dengan gambar anda broe!

thank you so much :)

Benar-benar jamur yang sangat indah. Dengan warna merah menggoda

thank you so much :)

Luar biasa,,, Jamur yang sangat langka untuk di jumpai dan warna merah yang sensional yang mempunyanyai daya tarik tinggi.

thank you so much :)

It not looks like mushroom. I have see it for the first time in my life.

thank you so much :)

  ·  3 years ago 

Wow, So beautiful! I've been surprised!
You are expert of mushroom hunter and professional photographer.
Can't wait to see your next photos!!

thank you so much :)

jamur yang unik

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