I. Introduction
The need to get familiar with exposure triangle in order to get impressive photos.
How does better understanding exposure triangle improve photography skills.
II. Understanding the Exposure Triangle
Explanation of the three elements of the exposure triangle: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO
This involves the connection of these elements with each other and the resulting photograph.
III. DSLR Basics: Understanding Autofocus Modes
Autofocus and how it helps to get sharp pictures.
Variety of autofocus modes available in DSLRs.
A. Single AF mode
Single autofocus mode meaning and purpose.
For optimal results, when to use single AF mode.
B. Continuous AF mode
The meaning and purposes of continous autofuscus mode.
Continuous AF mode for moving subjects.
C. Automatic AF mode
Autofocus mode and how it relates to meaning and purpose.
On when to use automatic AF mode and when not.
IV. So, when do you use which autofocus mode?
Factors that one should consider when selecting autofocus mode.
Guidelines for specific circumstances and shooting events.
A. Portraits
Autofocus modes recommended for portrait photography
Guidelines for having a sharp focus in portraiture.
B. Landscape
Recommended autofocus mode for shooting landscapes
Focus in land photography.
C. Sports/Action
Autofocus mode recommended for sports or action pictures.
Some guidelines on how to keep up with moving subjects.
V. How to use auto-focus effectively for a new camera.
General tips for more accurate autofocus in a new camera.
How to adjust autofocus settings when required.
VI. Conclusion
Summary on why knowing different autofocus modes is essential.
Inspiring individuals to use different autofocus modes to become better photographers