I love my pets
First off, I just have to say that I have the coolest pets here on the blockchain. Dusty is growing fast and turning into the biggest goof ball ever
He spends most of his day hanging out with Keiichi. Keiichi is the father figure to all the cats
Dusty also loves to spend time cuddling up next the dogs. He has been cuddling with Harley more than Titus lately. I think it is because it is getting warmer and Titus doesn't like to be near anyone cause it gets him too hot.
Harley is good with him and lets him cuddle up next to him, but if he hears anything that can resemble a food wrapper or suspects that he is going to get a treat, Harley totally ignores the cats and usually ends up stepping on them because he is more focused on trying to get a treat.
Rusty always looks mad, but he is a huge cuddler. He is usually spending most of the day laying in one of the cat towers and even lets Dusty up there on the ledge with him.
It is funny at night as we prepare to go down to our room to go to sleep because all of the cats know exactly what it means when we get up and head to the stairs because all of them follow us when we get up and they stand at the top of the stairs until we head down. Then they play for a while before getting on the bed with us and the dogs.