Guacamaya - Traditional Watercolor | sequence of its elaboration. 🎨 (ENG/ESP)

in hive-185836 •  last year  (edited)


I start this post informing you that I am in the design of my website, I am adapting even more to computing.

I think it is necessary for those of us who draw, paint, and sculpt in the traditional way, to adapt to new trends, and this includes social networks and websites.

On this website I will be talking a little about myself and I have made the decision to put some of my works up for sale, I still have not defined how to assign the price to each one, maybe I will consult with some friends and even an artist from the community from Steemit.

Today I wanted to bring you a watercolor work of a very picturesque and noisy animal, on one occasion I portrayed it and I told you that in the capital city of Venezuela you can find these birds flying freely around the city, blue macaws are generally this species

It is usually seen perched on the balconies and windows of houses and buildings, the population has been told to feed them with fruits, vegetables and avoid feeding the birds processed foods such as bread and cookies.

The population has been receptive to these indications and has become accustomed to its noisy songs, something that overshadows when contemplating its beautiful blue and yellow plumage.


Comienzo este post informándoles que estoy en el diseño de mi web, me estoy adaptando aún más a la informática.

Creo que es necesario que los que tenemos el oficio de dibujar, pintar, esculpir de manera tradicional, debemos adaptarnos a las nuevas tendencias y esto incluye redes sociales y sitios web.

En esta web estaré hablando un poco de mi y he tomado la decisión de poner a la venta algunas de mis obras, aun no tengo definido como asignarle el precio a cada una, tal vez lo consulte con algunos amigos e incluso un artista de la comunidad de Steemit.

Hoy quería traerles una obra de acuarela de un animal muy pintoresco y ruidoso, en una ocasión lo retraté y les comenté que en la ciudad capital de Venezuela se pueden encontrar estas aves volando libremente por la ciudad, generalmente las guacamayas azules son esta especie

Suele verse posado en los balcones y ventanas de casas y edificios, se le ha dicho a la población que los alimente con frutas, verduras y evite darles de comer a las aves alimentos procesados como pan y galletas.

La población ha sido receptiva a estas indicaciones y se ha acostumbrado a sus ruidosos cantos, algo que opaca al contemplar su hermoso plumaje azul y amarillo.

Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3


Image 4

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
Paper watercolor A4.
Pencil No. 4H.

Reference Image

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Ah, nice. I’m sure you are gonna spread the URL so I don’t have to bother you now… ;-)

hello chriddi, Initially I wanted to create a virtual gallery but they are not very visited and if the computer is low-end it is difficult to load the gallery, that is why I decided on a website. I found an easy way to do it, once I fine-tune the details I will attach to each publication the link and a QR code.

It turned out very nicely!


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