Yellow tulip - Traditional Watercolor | photographic sequence of its elaboration. 🎨 (ENG/SPAN)

in hive-185836 •  last year 

tulip 3.jpg

Spring is synonymous with flowers, which were once the coveted tulips, I'll show you why I use this term with them.

Tulips are native to Central Asia, but in the 16th century in the Netherlands they became highly valued, at that time, having a tulip was a symbol of prestige and high social status, people bought tulips but instead of receiving a tulip bulb tulip, he received a "coupon" that guaranteed him a physical tulip for the following spring.

People negotiated with these coupons, there was so much that there is a kind of tulips (the white ones dyed red) their price was equivalent to the price of a house at the time.

Shortly after the tulip bubble burst, this was because everyone wanted to sell and no one wanted to buy, an imbalance of supply and demand flooded the tulip market.

At present tulips are often seen in the gardens of various countries, without extraordinary value.

In Venezuela I have never seen a tulip, but I have had the experience of seeing them up close on a visit to the Netherlands about 12 years ago.



primavera es sinónimo de flores, que alguna vez fueron los codiciados tulipanes, les mostraré por qué uso este término con ellos.

Los tulipanes son originarios de Asia Central, pero en el siglo XVI en los Países Bajos se volvieron muy valorados, en esa época, tener un tulipán era símbolo de prestigio y alto estatus social, la gente compraban tulipanes pero en vez de recibir un bulbo de tulipán, recibía un "cupón" que le garantizaba un tulipán físico para la próxima primavera.

La gente hacía negociaciones con estos cupones, era tanto que hay una especie de tulipanes (los blancos teñidos de rojo) su precio equivalía al precio de una casa de la época.

Poco después estalló la burbuja económica de los tulipanes, esto se debió a que todos querían vender y nadie quería comprar, un desequilibrio de oferta y demanda inundó el mercado de los tulipanes.

En la actualidad los tulipanes suelen verse en los jardines de varios países, sin un valor extraordinario.

En Venezuela nunca he visto un tulipán, pero he tenido la experiencia de verlos de cerca en una visita a Holanda hace como 12 años.


Below I show you a photographic sequence of its preparation.


Image 1


Image 2


Image 3

To make this painting, use the following materials and tools:

Materials and tools.
A piece of cardboard.
Pencil No. 4H.

Reference Image

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