Nettle and Lemon balm Tea - Foraging UK

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

I have realised lately that I think I have an intolerance to histamine foods, as every medical condition I have ever had seems to come back to an oversensitivity to something and realise that although I have eliminated most by high raw vegan diet and probiotics, I do sometimes still get flare ups of fatigue, muscle aches, weakness, headaches etc and as we all know crazy reactions to insect bites. They always come on together and It became more and more obvious as they became less frequent that it was something triggering it as it never got worse as I would then have amazing days and periods of super high energy. Last time I realised that it was almost for sure because I ate several items that day that were known histamine reactors like lentils, red pepper, tomatoes, potatoes and cacao, these are foods I very rarely eat especially together. I am not saying these foods are not healthy but if you have trouble with histamine then anything from the nightshade family along with many other foods will cause you to have an over reaction and cause many of a list of symptoms. I would recommend everyone having a look at the symptoms of HIT and seeing if your life could be improved by being aware. There are also lots of foods that actually help and one of the top one is nettles so I made some nettle tea now for two days running. I forage the nettles and lemon balm (which I love) from my family garden where they have a bunch growing wild so I know they are organic so to speak lol and without dog wee.

I have some supplements my health friend suggested to me including amino acids, and glutho something to help my body be able to digest histamines better but I am also going to seriously try and limit my histamine levels with food too and be more aware. I don't think many people, even in the medical field know about HIT and it's rarely discussed. I actually think this might be the key I've been searching for for a decade. I am always striving to be the absolute healthiest I can be and I actuality think this last bite and reaction was meant to be as it's really helped me get even more to the bottom of my diet and how to be the ultimate health I can be.

To make tea just wash, and either leave to dry or to speed up the process you can use a dehydrator then crumble into tea. I actually enjoy it :D and it's amazing for us, histamine intolerance or not.










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Interesting! I have similar symptoms as you, but I suffer from auto-immune disease. Most of the time I use an anti-inflammatory medication like naproxen because the symptoms can be extremely severe. I grow lemon balm, so I will give this tea a try.

I also thought I had lupus and was semi diagnosed with lupus 12 years ago but I, starting to think it’s histamine. Leaky gut protocol is good for lupus, I got rid of the Ana.

Oh yes--I too have "symptoms associated with lupus". In my case it is psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. Lupus is bad news, so it is almost always better to have something else.

The consultant always told me not to read about it though as he said so,e barely have symptoms and some have it rly bad. I’ll type more on comp as mines complicated lol

I bascailyl had a random knee issue about 15 years ago and the guy in rheumatology was convinced I had lupus and I tested positive for ana for years at three monthly checks as well as displaying other symptoms, I also had horrific ibs was constantly bloated and sick. I went raw vegan, did a parasite cleanse and took proiobiotics and signed myself out of the hospital. I fixed my ibs completely, most of my lupus symptoms although still get the odd period I am weak, feel like my muscles had flu and extreme fatigue but now it's mild at times I was bed ridden in the past. The ana has gone from my blood. I have definitely at the least halted and improved its progression over the last 14 years with diet and mindfulness. Im now exploring histamine tho as realise it could just be this as has a lot of cross over symptoms with lupus.

I am glad to hear that you have made progress in getting healthier. <3

Very useful post friends, if we can be friends to support each other, I'm really happy, Nettle tea and Lemon balm can be said to be a cure for all diseases - and you are absolutely right in saying we all know crazy reactions to insect bites.

Healthy tea

Very interesting and educating post