Balanced Living: How Can Openness Help us Live Better Lives?

in hive-185836 •  4 years ago 

Sometimes, certain words seem to appear more often than others. When this happens, I pay attention and try to discern what the message is.


The word that really glowed for me today was "openness".

We have been watching and listening to so many recently become even more divided than ever. It's shocking at times, how the world seems to be dividing itself into ever greater extremes.

Psychology Today points out:

"Openness is correlated with higher measures of well-being, including overall happiness. People high in this trait feel more positive and have warm and loving relationships with the people around them. Research has not found any noteworthy correlation between openness and anxiety or other mood disorders."

Essentially, the more open you are, it's more likely you are to have less anxiety. That can feel difficult, at times, because many people feel like they gained some of their original wounds as a result of leaving themselves too open.

Most likely, that wasn't really what the issue was!


One of our problems — which affects a lot of us — is that we have a disturbing tendency to live in the past, and particularly to relive unfortunate events from the past in our heads... over and over again.

Alas, living in the past will cause depression the same way projecting worst case scenarios for future events will cause anxiety.

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