Enlightenment and the Circus of Self-importance

in hive-185836 •  10 months ago 

In the end, I believe we all just want to be happy!

However, we live in a world where finding happiness can be a great challenge sometimes. One of the things that often gets in our way is that we are exposed to a host of different traumas that often leave was struggling as to which way to go. We get wounded by life.


If you look around for any period of time at all, you'll soon enough discover that pretty much everybody has some kind of wound from something that happened to them.

Some of these wounds manifest quite openly and visibly, and some remain quite hidden.

Now, there are a lot of allegedly "enlightened" people out there who give workshops and try to teach other people how to live better lives and how to move beyond their traumas. One of the sad things I periodically notice about these folks is that very often what they're doing can disintegrate into a public contest of "who's more enlightened," rather than the business of actually helping people.


Maybe it's just the competitive nature of us humans. After all, just as often as I encounter "enlightenment contests," I also encounter "wound contests" in which people are less focused on actually healing their trauma than on having a "contest" with other people who have been traumatized to see "who's more traumatized."

Of course neither of these are things that actually help people progress.

It's often a challenge to get people on the right track when they have suffered trauma. In my counseling practice, I find that far more people are interested in simply talking endlessly about their trauma and their wounds than they are in actually healing them. Even when presented with good advice and a path forward, they will persist in their own ways and almost have pride in pointing out how "something bad" happened to them again because of their trauma, and "that's because I am just SO wounded I am beyond help!"


This is why there is a common saying in the psychology field that "you can't help people until they are sincerely ready to be helped." And a lot of people say they want to be helped, but they aren't actually ready to be helped.

I periodically find that I have to let clients go because they're not ready to heal. And I don't want to waste their time. Besides, my personal sense of ethics dictates that I'm not going to continue collecting money from somebody for sessions that are not helping them. Mostly, though, in such cases people just want their perspective enabled, rather than helped.

The challenge lies in finding out how people can escape their "toxic loops," so they can actually move towards happier and more fulfilling lives!

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