Has Your View on the World Changed?

in hive-185836 •  5 months ago 

There is a wise saying that ”the only constant in life is change.”

Whereas there might be a lot of truth to that, some people have a much easier time dealing with tangible changes (such as new jobs, or new relationships, or new geography) than with changes of mind; changes of outlook on the world.

This post offers a bit of a follow-up to my previous post about our cognitive blind spots.


As we age, it is only natural that we gain some experience, and gradually have more insight into the workings of the world than we had when we were young.

Often, we encounter some psychological resistance when life doesn’t turn out the way we had planned or hoped. In the more extreme instances, that can hit us in the form of traumas that can be very difficult to move past.

From time to time, we can get so stuck in a belief that life around us moves on, but we get left behind, all because we refuse to change our views on the situations we face.


From a counseling perspective, this is something I often see in relationships, where someone’s pattern of failed relationships is a result of their projecting a set of circumstances from their past onto their current love interest… and perhaps even ”playing the part” they played in that abusive past relationship, except with the new love interest, who ends up confused and hurt by being told that their ”intentions” are quite different from their actual experience.

Of course, there are many reasons why we cling to old beliefs; often they are views that were instilled in us as children, by our parents. And it can be quite difficult to admit that what a beloved parent or parental figure taught us was ”true” about the world actually turns out to be false.

If you hold a particularly strong point of view about something, have you ever paused to consider why your belief is what it is, and why it is so strong?


Chances are that there was some kind of trauma involved in forming your point of view, and the direction you chose was an almost instinctual choice to protect yourself from getting hurt.

And — at the time — it was the perfect strategy!

But the life you’re living today has likely changed considerably, which means there might also be room for a change of perspective.

Of course, just reading this probably makes perfect sense, but the human psyche can be a slippery beast and sometimes we end up completely oblivious to the fact that we're actually stuck in a groove.


Getting unstuck is usually the result of being willing to stop and actually look at what we're doing, and admitting that we are stuck with a perspective that hasn't effectively been questioned or changed in many years.

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