Having Lots of Knowledge and Information Does NOT Equate to Wisdom!

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

Some people are — for lack of a better way of putting it — information hoarders.

They have lots of knowledge about a great many things, and they tend to have lots of information at their fingertips, at all times. In fact, sometimes they make a point of "dazzling" those around them with just how much they know.


Chances are that you've met or known people like this! You might even consider them to be "know-it-alls."

Sadly, in spite of their tremendous knowledge, they often don't have very much wisdom.

People often confuse "knowing a lot" with "having wisdom," but the two are actually miles and miles apart. Which is not to say that someone who extensive knowledge can't also be wise.


Wisdom is more the ability to appropriately evaluate and act on situations and people you encounter... perhaps applying knowledge you've acquired in a suitable manner.

Of course, some of the confusion over terminology comes from the way we use the words in popular culture. We might say of a truly wise person that they are wise because they KNOW things.

What is actually the case tends to be that they "know" how use what they know to navigate life in an easy and fluid manner, without the need to point out (or show off!) how much they know.


A bit confusing, isn't it?

One of the things I periodically encounter in counseling clients is a great difficulty in letting go of being attached to their intellect and knowledge... which actually can stand in the way of them reaching wisdom because... to put it bluntly... they spend more time talking than they do listening. And it's difficult to acquire true wisdom if you are not willing to listen and subsequently learn.

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