Aside from the fact that it sometimes feels like we live in a world that increasingly behaves like it is entitled to receive everything "just because," people often talk about "wishing they had this" and "wishing they had that."
Meanwhile, the world is filled with ostensible "advice" and "systems" that supposedly will help people manifest whatever they want.
At the White Light Express, we are all about the Power of Positive Focused Intention and what can be accomplished via intention setting, but this is not something we should approach like we are just part of some giant "free handout!"
One of the lessons many people learn — sometimes "the hard way" — is that we are typically not able to Receive With Gratitude unless we first have a clear understanding of what true selfless giving feels like.
I firmly believe that we live in a Universe of plenty, but as I said, receiving from that cosmic supply of plenty isn't about having your own personal free handout!
After almost 20 years of maintaining the White Light Global prayer grid, one of the interesting patterns I've noticed is how often the people who report what seems like "miraculous" events back to us started off as people who — quite unprovoked — made a small donation, or offered to be part of a prayer vigil, or something similar.
One of the things we must also be mindful of is not falling into the trap of "Giving to GET."
Charity is not a forced transaction, it is an entirely voluntary one. When we are willing to give, with no greater motivation than simply wishing to contribute — even in the most modest of fashions — we are also showing ourselves to the world as authentically open to receiving what is available to us.
Thanks for stopping by, and Bright Blessings to all!
You are not alone! (Graphic is our own)
The White Light Express Mission Statement:
Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.
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