Mental Health: Are People With “Negative Energy” Actually a Thing?

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

In "New Age" and alternative healing circles one of the common buzz-phrases people use is that of "people who have negative energy."


But is that actually a thing? Can people actually have "energy," in that sense of the word? Or is it all in people's imagination?

For the pure realistic pragmatists of the world it may sound pretty far fetched. But it actually isn't.

Just pause and consider the times when you've walked into a place or perhaps have started talking to some person you don't know well and you think to yourself "I'm getting a bad vibe from this."


Most of us have had an experience like that, often we've had more than one. Why do we even think such a thing?

What's actually at work tends to be very ancient instincts that helped us stay alive in an era long before what we've come to call "civilization" came into being. Back then, this thing we now might call a "bad vibe" or "negative energy" as the case might be... was an instinctive sensation that made us aware that a predator or danger of some kind was nearby.

Do we know exactly how that works? Well, science doesn't exactly understand how it works but it can often be documented that it works in certain ways.


For example, did you know that your skin actually reacts/recoils before a surgeon cuts into it during an operation... even when you are under full anesthesia? Again we don't know exactly how that works but we know that it works because observing people's vital signs tell us so.

Similarly, people with negative energy are a thing, and what we're experiencing is merely a modern day variation on that survival instinct from ancient times… it is warning us that a person in our vicinity may somehow present a threat to us.

So listen to your intuition! It's not really a "Woo-Woo" thing, it's actually just an old survival technique.

Thanks for stopping by and bright blessings to all!

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I am not too spititualistic, but I do notice "eaters" and "spenders" among people in my environment. In reference to the plant kingdom, I like to call them "weak eaters" and "strong eaters"...

Spenders build you up, give you positive reinforcement and the interaction is good for you. The high eaters cost you strength and energy, and that without an end in sight...

Ich bin nicht allzu spitituell aufgestellt, aber ich bemerke unter Menschen im Umfeld "Zehrer" und "Spender". In Anlehnung an das Pflanzenreich gerne noch "Schwachzehrer" und "Starkzehrer"...

Von Spendern wirst Du aufgebaut, erhältst positive Bestärkung und die Interaktion tut gut. Die Zehrer kosten Kraft und Energie und das, ohne daß ein Ende in Sicht ist...

This is a very deep subject. But what I'm sure of is there is such a thing as "energy". As a believer in science, accepting this might be a bit of a dichotomy. However, I have still experienced the presence of energy many times in my daily life. Sometimes you think of someone you haven't seen in years and suddenly a message comes from that person. Of course, it is possible that it is a coincidence, but it can also be wrong to take an approach that rejects energy directly.