Wellness: How Do You Plan to Make Your Life Better in 2025?

in hive-185836 •  2 months ago 

With only a few days left in 2024, it's inevitable that we start looking forward to get going on a brand new year!


It's only natural to wonder that what sort of year it's going to be, and perhaps we're setting ourselves plans, goals and resolutions for how we can personally make it the sort of year we really want.

What sort of year would you really like to have in 2025?

And what are you prepared to do to make that particular year turn into a reality?

One of the ways we often fail with our resolutions and goals this by setting ourselves up for things that are perhaps more wishful thinking than they are actual goals. In turn, when we invariably fail at them we end up feeling badly about ourselves, and thinking of ourselves as failures. Has this ever happened in your life?


In truth, the only failure that was actually present was in our goal setting, not in our execution of the goals.

When we choose to accomplish something, and set a goal to accomplish that, it's important to first ascertain whether we're truly ready to go after what we want. Maybe that sounds silly, but it's surprising how often people say they want to accomplish something but they're unwilling or unready to actually put in the legwork to turn their inner vision into outer reality!

Although it doesn't happen as often as it used to, quite a few of my counseling clients would come to me and tell me that they were working on manifesting their perfect reality through intention setting and the Law of Attraction. Then they would get confused and frustrated when I asked them what steps they were planning to take to make it happen.


Whereas there are certainly exceptions — and perhaps our perceptions are skewed by reading about these exceptions — in most cases the Power of Positive Focused Intention only works when you're ready to take steps in service of your intentions.

As such, it is often the second question I asked above that is the most important when we resolve to do something new for a new year.

We must also remember that we tend to live busy lives, so to set ourselves goals that don't take into account that we have very little extra time is also likely to lead us to disappointment. There's no shame in setting small goals for yourself, because it's good for the psyche to be able to check something off a list — even if it is just inside your head — and being able to say or think ”accomplished that!”


Changing basic behaviors and habits can be particularly challenging, whether it's adopting new eating habits, or an exercise program, giving up smoking or something else. Accordingly, we need to allow ourselves to be human and to occasionally lapse. Not saying we should give up on our goals, just that we should be gentle with ourselves.

So if you're planning to undertake some major life improvement or life change in 2025, create yourself a plan that takes into account your humanity and your actual life as it exists at the moment. The Power of Positive Focused Intention will take you a long way, but don't forget you have to take positive action in support of it.

Thanks for coming to visit, and Bright Blessings to all!

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