Activities in my life WITH WOX COMMUNITY ( 10 januari 2022 )

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 

my photo in the morning

Today I woke up from my good sleep at 06.00 I immediately got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take ablution. After taking ablution, I immediately carried out my obligations as a Muslim, namely the dawn prayer. After praying, I cleaned my bed and prepared my equipment to go to school.


my friend is sweeping the prayer room


At 07.00 I go to school with my mother until I arrive at school I immediately go to class when I go up the stairs I meet my friend I leave rice because I haven't had breakfast. After breakfast, the teacher told us to gather in the field because there was an apple in the morning the principal gave us information and some suggestions for the future, one of which was not to bring cellphones. At 08.00 we returned to class, suddenly Mr. Fadlun and Mrs. Siscori came into my class and discussed about the intensive class and about the lecture later. At 09.30 we took a break because today is the book return schedule, my friend and I went straight to the library at 11.00 me and my friend swept the prayer room.

children are reading alquran



At 12.30 the time for the Zuhur prayer, all students and students prayed together in the prayer room. After praying we were allowed to go home, before going home I bought rice first because my mother didn't cook. When I got home I changed clothes and rested, I fell asleep. I wake up at 16.30 I pray Asr and clean the house starting from sweeping, washing dishes and lifting clotheslines. I didn't feel the Maghrib call to prayer then I took a shower and I performed ablution then I prayed Maghrib. After praying I recited the Koran as usual, finished the Koran at 21.00 I had dinner and I also rested. I can't stay up late tonight because school tomorrow.
Thanks to : @sultan-aceh @xpilar

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