Winners of PHOTOGRAPHING ARCHITECTURE Contest | Announcement third edition with BOOMING SUPPORT | THE STAIRS | ENG / ESPsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago  (edited)

First it's time to meet the winners of the second edition of the contest.

The first prize goes to @daybook, which presents us with a complete reportage of the exterior of Smolny Cathedral.

Primero es el turno para conocer a los premiados en la segunda edición del concurso.

El primer premio para @daybook, que nos presenta un completo reportaje del exterior de la Catedral de Smolny.

Here is the link to her entry | ESP Aquí el enlace a su entrada


Second prize goes to @silviadiez and her report on the swimming pool where she often goes swimming.

El segundo premio es para @silviadiez y su reportaje sobre la piscina a la que acude a nadar con frecuencia.

Here is the link to her entry | ESP Aquí el enlace a su entrada


And third place goes to @marcoteixeira with his great photographic work of a bar on the Azorean island of Pico.

Y el tercer puesto es para @marcoteixeira con su estupendo trabajo fotográfico de un bar en la Isla azoriana de Pico.

Here is the link to his entry | ESP Aquí el enlace a su entrada



@daybook: Booming upvote

@silviadiez: Booming upvote

@marcoteixeira: Wox Trial Upvote

Let's go now with the call for the third edition. This time the topic is going to be an architectural detail, specifically THE STAIRS as an architectural element.

Any staircase, exterior, interior, mechanical, public or private. It doesn't matter, the point is to try to take one or more good shots of this element. Here are some examples that can serve as a reference.

Vamos ahora con la convocatoria de la tercera edición. En esta ocasión el tema va a ser un detalle arquitectónico, concretamente LA ESCALERA como elemento arquitectónico.

Cualquier escalera, exterior, interior, mecánica, pública o privada. No importa, la cuestión es intentar hacer una o varias buenas capturas de ese elemento. Aquí os dejo unos ejemplos que pueden servir de referencia.

Indoor escalator.

Escalera mecánica de interior.


Indoor staircase in a public building with a person.

Escalera en el interior de un edificio público con una persona.

22Centro Medico St.Antoni 021.jpg

Rear view of an exterior staircase in a private villa.

Vista posterior de escalera exterior en una villa privada.

Can Rambauxa 002.JPG

Staircase of the Pyramid of Kukulkan in Mexico. Access is currently not allowed due to the death of a tourist who fell from the top.

Escalera de la Pirámide de Kukulkan en México. Actualmente no está permitido su acceso a causa de la muerte de un turista que cayó desde lo más alto.

Chichen Itza0019web.jpg

Two shots of the same staircase in which the introduction of a human figure gives us the real dimension of the staircase.

Dos imágenes de la misma escalera, una con la introducción de la figura humana que nos da la dimensión real de la escalera.

Mixis C. marededeu 059.jpg

Mixis C. marededeu 062.jpg

Another staircase of a monument, the Sansucci Palace in Potsdam, Germany.

Otra imagen de una escalera en un monumento, los jardines del Palacio Sansucci en Postdam, Alemania

Sanssouci 044 1.jpg

Surrealist staircase in an apartment building in Buenos Aires.

Una toma un tanto surrealista de una escalera de caracol exterior en Buenos Aires.

Spiral staircase building 024.jpg


. You can participate with only one photograph, although if you decide to upload some more, it will also be valued to give the prizes. ONLY if they are of the same staircase.

. The maximum number of images will be three (3).

. Posting via "world of xpilar" can give you additional support from @worldofxpilar curation trail as well.

. Hashtag Steemexclusive, architecture and the Club rank you belong to Club5050, Club75 or Club100.

. Link your entry in the comments section below.

. Title it: Contest "Photographing Architecture" + your own title.

. Only one entry per contestant is allowed.

. Any attempt to copy or plagiarize the work of others is considered a serious offence, we will cancel your entry permanently.

. All upvotes and reblogs are welcome.

. You can invite three other steemians.

Se puede participar con una sola fotografía, aunque si decides subir algunas más, también se valorará para dar los premios. SOLO si son de la misma escalera.

El número máximo de imágenes será de tres (3)

Publicar a través de "world of xpilar" puede darle apoyo adicional de @worldofxpilar curation trail también.

Hashtag Steemexclusive, arquitectura y el rango del Club al que perteneces Club5050, Club75 o Club100.

Enlaza tu entrada en la sección de comentarios de abajo.

Ponle título: Concurso "Fotografiando arquitectura" + tu propio título.

Sólo se permite una participación por concursante.

Cualquier intento de copiar o plagiar el trabajo de otros se considera una infracción grave. Tu participación será cancelada permanentemente.

Todos los upvotes y reblogs son bienvenidos.

Puedes invitar a otros tres steemians.

Please note that this is a photo contest, so the quality of the images will determine who the winners will be. As for the text, you don't need to say much, just a short description of about 100 words, of the building and details of the camera or phone (this is not compulsory).

Ten en cuenta que se trata de un concurso de fotografía, por lo que la calidad de las imágenes determinará quiénes serán los ganadores. En cuanto al texto, no será necesario decir mucho, sólo una breve descripción de aproximadamente 100 palabras, del edificio y los detalles de la cámara o teléfono. (Esto no es obligatorio)

The contest will end at 12 pm (CET) next Saturday 25 February.

El concurso finalizará el próximo sábado día 25 de Febrero a las 12 pm (CET)

Unless stated otherwise, all the pictures and the words are mine.
Do not use any of these images without my written permission.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look.

C.c. @disconnect

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Gracias @xaviduran y muchas felicidades a todos los premiados!... nos vemos en el próximo reto.

De nada @silviadiez, gracias a ti por tu participación.

Your contribution has been accepted 1


Your contribution is accepted 9

Your contribution has been accepted 2

Your contribution has been accepted 3

Your contribution is accepted 8

Your contribution has been accepted 4

Your contribution is accepted 6

Your contribution is accepted 7

Thank you sir

Your contribution is accepted 5

Boas....supostamente as regras do concurso mencionam a obrogatoriadade das fotos de interior....elas não estão presentes nas fotos do primeiro prémio....dada essa incongruência...não participarei mais neste concurso! Tudo de Bom!


Olá Marco,

Já passei pelas regras do concurso várias vezes e em nenhum momento é mencionado que é obrigatório tirar fotografias do interior. Nos exemplos que afixei há fotografias do interior, mas fi-lo para dar ideias, nada mais. Não havia qualquer obrigação.

Gostaria também de dizer que a primeira regra do concurso e a que coloquei mais ênfase nos tutoriais, a correcção dos verticals, não foi cumprida. No tutorial específico, expliquei que existe uma aplicação gratuita para telemóveis, que permite a correcção das verticais a partir do mesmo dispositivo. Muito fácil de fazer.

Lamento que o texto tenha sido mal interpretado e que não se pretenda participar novamente. A decisão é vossa e é muito respeitável, mas uma coisa é certa, não existe tal incoerência nas regras do concurso.



Hi Marco,

I have gone through the contest rules several times and at no point is it mentioned that it is compulsory to take photos of the interior. In the examples I posted there are interior photos, but I did it to give ideas, nothing more. There was no obligation.

I would also like to say that the first rule of the contest and the one I put more emphasis on in the tutorials, the correction of verticals, has not been fulfilled. In the specific tutorial I explained that there is a free application for mobile phones, which allows the correction of the verticals from the same device. Very easy to do.

I am sorry that the text was misinterpreted and that you do not intend to participate again. It is your decision and it is very respectable, but one thing is for sure, there is no such inconsistency in the contest rules.


ok....obrigado pelo feedback! O primeiro prémio é merecido! Contudo, continuo a pensar que faltam as fotos do interior. Tudo de Bom!

Gracias por tu respuesta @marcoteixeira

Hi, @marcoteixeira! I can understand your emotions. My post really lacks pictures of the interior. It's no accident, the cathedral is an active church and photography inside is prohibited. I tried to replace the missing part of the photo report with photos of the surroundings, but photos of the interior are really missing, that's a minus.
I really enjoyed your post and photos, I hope you will change your intention and continue to participate in this wonderful competition.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

Support partner witnesses


We are the hope!

Your post is nominated for the WOX Booming Support Programme, @booming account upvote.
Only the posts that are original, not cross-posted and posted from the Xpilar community page are nominated. If your post gets an approval, then you get an upvote within a few days.
Good luck! @stef1

Many thanks @stef1 for your support.

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Many thanks indeed for your support.

Felicitaciones a los ganadores estuvieron interesante las fotografías.

Thank you so much for choosing my post! Congrats to all winners!

You're welcome @daybook

Looking forward to see you in this issue.

Мои поздравления с заслуженной победой!
Хорошее начало :)

Este concurso se ha incluido en el Listado activo del concurso diario #ContestAlerts

Contest Alerts: Active Contest List on 20th Feb 2023 - Win 850+ STEEM

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#ContestAlerts #winwithsteem

Many thanks for your work and support @disconnect

Hello 😘🔥🔥


This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags.
Curated by: @bambuka

Congratulations to the winners 🖐 😊

Wonderful contest and excellent participations