Hunger - How does Human become a criminal?

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 

There is no doubt that human nature in its composition does not tend to be criminal. Human is a friendly being who likes to live in comfort, tranquillity, and peace away from harming himself or others; but as everything changes, so the human also changes, everything around him pushes him to change, unfortunately to the worse,
The human change inevitably leads to the change of society, and it is sad here that human has become the instrument of crime but :

  • what drives that friendly being to become a criminal?
  • why crime rates have increased dramatically with the beginnings of the new millennium, Until we reached a stage where crime in all its forms became part of our daily lives, we got used to it and lived with it as if it were normal?

There are a lot of questions, but the answer seems small or vague. I try to highlight one of the many reasons why human became a criminal.


The killer is usually killed for money, the robber steals for money, the briber accepts bribes for money, as well as the drug dealer, the smugglers, and the corrupt all for money, but the need for money varies through people, some of whom need to buy a bigger yacht than he has now, or buy the private airplane, and some of them want new zeros in bank balance account, some of whom want to move from his modest apartment to a large house in the finest neighborhoods in the city, and so people need money that is different in importance until we get to that human who he needs money to buy a few loaves of bread to his hungry children, or to buy medicine for his sick son or wife, and here the problem begins

Necessity is the mother of invention

but the invention here is a crime that may be murder, robbery, kidnapping, bribery, or others so that the needy can get money to his needed.
when hearing the crying of the hungry and the pain of the sick, all the voices of goodness in the human soul get to silences and the voices of evil get to lead the human to criminality.
of course, I am here not justified For those who commit the crime, I just make it clear what led them to commit it,

Steals a few dollars vs Steals dreams of peoples

The sad thing here is the strange contradiction between the rule of law and the rule of the society with the size of the crime, who steals a few dollars to fill the hunger of his children is a thief that must be punished by the rule of law, and an ostracized thief without morals by the rule of society.
but who steals homelands and the dreams of peoples, is the noble person and respectable in the eyes of the law and society, you see him on the TV giving lectures in ethics to be applauded by all,

Use drug vs whale of drug

Also, the failed young who graduated with excellence from university 7 years ago, and did not find a job then he is psychologically shattered then he goes to use the drug, In the eyes of the law and society," he becomes a failed and his place in prisons"
. while the whale that introduced these poisons into society and destroyed thousands of young people lives a life of well-being, everyone respects them, even though the user drog only harms himself, but that whale of drug harms an entire society.

So who spreads crime in society? ...

  • The answer is simple: "whoever benefits from the crime is the one who spreads it "

The only beneficiary of crime is feudal governments and those who want to control the world like Freemasonry. And to spread crime in the world, they are working to impoverish people, ignorant them, and spread diseases among them to create a society full of crime, which is easy to control.

An example of this: the continent of Africa is very rich but the western countries spread ignorance and poverty in African countries and not allow any African country to develop its education system, economy, or health system because an educated and peaceful society cannot be controlled... Africans must remain poor so that Western countries can control them and steal their wealth and then prevent ...

How can we punish those forced by hunger, poverty, and marginalization to commit the crime and leave the real criminal who brought society to this, and even increase his respect and appreciation?

They are the criminals, not us, and if we are seeking to fight crime, we must dry up the sources of crime and its real causes, the first of which is poverty and unemployment,
and if we are serious about this, must be eliminated the merchants of conscience and humanity, who have brought our societies to where we are now.

The real enemy of these demons is those who fight everywhere to spread the real news and who exert all their energy to build a society full of freedom and peace. You and I can be the candles that will light this world. We can't see the results now, but it's definitely going to show up in a few years.
Every true word you say will be a seed for a better future, and we will see its fruits if we don't give up...

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