Naturaleza hermosa e inagotable, con sus colores y belleza que llenan mis ojos de alegría, al ver tanto brillo y vida ante mis ojos, mi mente despierta y sucumbe ante ti.
Beautiful and inexhaustible nature, with its colors and beauty that fill my eyes with joy, seeing so much brightness and life before my eyes, my mind wakes up and succumbs to you.
Mariposa hermosa que vuelas libre, en este cielo azul y seductor, con sus colores que atraen al positivismo y buenas vibras radiantes de sol.
Beautiful butterfly that flies free, in this seductive blue sky, with its colors that attract positivism and good radiant vibes of the sun.
Linda y misteriosa me llevan a verte, abarcas mi mente , las flores de coqueta combinan contigo, son tu alimento y abrigo, con tanto esplendor y suspicacia; te quedas quieta al ver tomarte la foto, modelas ante mi, casi al roce con el lente, para luego mostrarme tu vuelo tan placido y hermoso de libertad.
Beautiful and mysterious they take me to see you, you encompass my mind, the coquette flowers combine with you, they are your food and shelter, with so much splendor and suspicion; you stay still when you take your photo, you model before me, almost rubbing against the lens, and then show me your flight so placid and beautiful of freedom.
The photos are my property taken with my Blu Advance L4 A350a Dual Sim Quad Core cell