Poetry by @abdul0011 : A Crazy World

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

A crazy world
Indeed a crazy world we live in
Everything is going in the wrong direction
Nothing is as good as expected
Indeed a crazy world

Our leaders misleading us
The younger ones imitating
As the saying says "learn from the best"
Who do we call the best now
The world is crazy
People running riot for survival
Leaders enjoying the goodies of life with family
What a crazy world

Religious leaders are no exemption
We listen we practice
Meanwhile they are the doers of the action
You preach the gospel
You preach the deen yet you go against your own words
Practice what you preach
A world of warcraft I will call it
What a crazy world

We shout out their names
No reply
We run to them, doors are locked
What an ironical world we live in
Nothing seems right
We pretend and act accordingly
We are dead beings yet to be buried

What a crazy world


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Thanks for sharing

Thank you 😊