#club100💪|| Betterlife|| The Diary Game|| The Engineers Room- Monthly Safety Meeting, Health Talk And Three Phase Power Generation Training|| 27-05- 2022|| #club100💪

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

Today, I wake up at 4:45 a.m. I offered my prayers and I prepared myself and left the house to the bus station. I got to the bus station at 6:20 a.m. by 6:35 a.m. the bus arrived but it was unfortunate that, the bus was full and I had to wait for another bus at 6:45 a.m, the second bus arrived. I got to the work place at 7:05 am. I walked to the canteen to buy food . A lot of people were around so I had to wait for some minutes barely 10-15 minutes before I was served. I quickly wash my hands, sanitise it and went to the change room to pick my PPE after that, my colleagues and I went to the workshop to have daily safety meeting.

As I always say in most of my post , the safety meeting cannot be compromised we always do it to create awareness to workers from getting accident. It put us on our toes and make us conscious in any activity that we perform. This is why it is prudent to do the safety meeting. Today, we discuss about about speed limit at the mining site. The company is very strict on the speed limit of vehicles whether heavy vehicle or light vehicle, that's 20 km per an hour. The drivers are required to stop and wait for all workers to cross the road before the vehicle moves even if it takes 20 minutes. All this process has been laid down to prevent accident at the workplace. It took us about 10 to 15 minutes to finish the safety meeting after the safety meeting, I went to the learning and development department normally called L & D to take my breakfast.


At the workshop

I walked to the training room right after taking my breakfast. Whiles we were waiting for the trainer, I took one of my module book and revise on what we have learnt. I solved some questions under series and parallel RLC circuit. I tried to relate it to real life situation. in fact I love solving electrical problems involving calculations. My colleagues and I analysed a wave diagram on the phone and we tried to interpret it


Analysis Wave and Phasor diagram on the phone

Whiles we were waiting for the trainer , we had a call to come to the town hall to have monthly safety meeting. We normally do monthly general safety meeting which is compulsory and different from the daily safety meeting. The Host took us through "Healthy Life Style". He emphasized much on the things we can do to improve our health . We were advised to do exercise at least 300 minutes weakly. We were told not to do much of exercise within a day. Also , eating food which is closer to nature like vegetables and fruits were strongly advised. The session lasted for an hour and 30 minutes. I really enjoyed the session.

Right after the "Monthly Safety Meeting" , I walked quickly to the training room. The trainer was already in the room waiting for us. We continued the training and the topic for discussion was Three Phase Power generation. We learnt that , Delta connection are used at the generation site which requires three conductors termed as 3-phase.


Delta and Star connection from the generation station to the distributor transformer

When the power reached the distribution transformer, another cable called neutral is added to make the conductors four so that consumers which uses single phase, two phase and three phase can connect their load ( appliance). With three conductors, only three phase loads like motor can be connected that's the reason why additional conductor is added. The purpose of the additional conductor is enormous. It also help to balance the system and prevent one line from overloading which can results to power off.


Solving calculation questions under power factor correction

11:45 am, the training came to an end and I left the training room to the canteen.I got there early so I didn't join any queue . After the lunch, I had some conversation with my colleagues and then went to the mosque at the workplace to observe Friday Jumuah prayers, after the prayers I didn't do anything again.


With my colleagues

I closed from work at 4:00pm. The bus set off at 4:20 pm and by 4:45pm , I got home. This is the end of my activities. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Thank you for your unflinching love

My regards

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Nice pictures and you had a wonderful day. Thanksfor sharing

Thank you for sharing friend