in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

FIRST AID (1).png



It is the obstruction of the airway or windpipe by a solid object. The blockage prevents air from getting and out of the body thus making breathing very difficult.


Mostly, it is children who get choked by solid substances easily. That doesn’t mean that it can’t happen to grownups too.
Some of the items that can cause choking include;

  1. Toffee,
  2. Chewing gum
  3. Plastic rubber
  4. Chalk
  5. Meat
  6. Food
    Nb; Basically, anything solid can potentially choke someone

Signs and Symptoms

Chocking can either be complete or partial. The following are some of the signs of both complete and incomplete choking.

  1. The victim will be holding his neck (partial)



  2. Difficulty in breathing (partial)

  3. Coughing (partial)



  4. The person will have a weak pulse (complete)

  5. Inability to talk (complete)

  6. Blue lips, nails, and skin (complete)

  7. Breathing stops (complete)

Managing a Chocked victim

For Some having a partial choke

• Encourage the victim to cough out the solid whiles slapping in-between the back with your palm
• Perform the abdominal thrust
 Stand behind the victim
 Place your hand on the abdomen
 Bend the victim over
 Press inward and upward
 Check and remove the object in the mouth gradually and gently


This is for partial choking

For someone having a complete choke

• Place the victim on his back gently
• Clear visible object in the mouth
• Open airway
• Give abdominal thrust

  1. Knee over the victim’s thighs
  2. Place your palms above the naval
  3. Press inward and forward
  4. Inspect the mouth if the object is out or not
    • Call for medical attention if the object is removed yet the person is unconscious


  1. Train the child to avoid putting unnecessary items in the mouth
  2. Don’t run whiles something is in your mouth
  3. Avoid putting rubbers into your mouth. For instance, burst balloons

Thank you for reading. I hope you learned something from today’s section. Next time we will be talking about First aid for Drowning

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@tipu curate

Nice piece of guidance on choking @daakye. It's a really useful information you've shared with us here. Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

I’m glad you were able to learn something from it.
I crave your indulgence to read and learn more from subsequents ones I will be posting.
Thank you.