in hive-187593 •  4 years ago 



Have you ever wondered why curses work or blessing works? It's because of the power of the words we proclaim a day in and day out.


You are where you are today because of what you have said so far in your life. Your words have power; use them wisely.
You can actually speak yourself into depression, into stress, into misery and frustration. There is so much power in the tongue that we probably like to give credit for. Success always moves in the direction of the words we speak.
If you believe you can die, you can die from the belief. Words are energy. They are extremely powerful.


God even spoke the universe into existence. This goes a long way to tell us how powerful our words are. Before you utter a word to someone, remember, you are a piece of God, an image, His likeness, and possess the same creative qualities as God. Never use words like; This is killing me, Go to hell, Business is slow, I am going to fail these exams, etc. These words may sound or look normal but they actually have an impartation on our everyday activities. Just spend a few minutes; think about that time you uttered a negative word and see if it didn't someway somehow didn't come into a reality. Though you may not know, those are actually commands that are stirring energy in motion.


Speak positive words into your life and that of others. Words bring healing. This is why when we pray, we utter words.
Negative words attract negative situations like curses. Be mindful of what you say to others; you might not know the impartation of such words in the life of the person you speak to.

We have heard several times that faith comes by hearing. Hearing your own words gives you the courage to get something done. Speak out your positive thoughts and plans, that is why it's not good to only think your thoughts and plans, you must say them for it to manifest in your life and that of others. A thought that's within you is not in this world, it's only within you and you need to speak that thought and give it life in this world.


Words can be linked-to seeds. No one plants mango and expects to reap watermelon in the future. So I entreat all of us to sow good seeds of positive words in the life of others.

The tongue that we have might be small, but it has the power to change the lives of people around us and even our own lives.

Learn to control your tongue.



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Words can make or unmake you

On point 👍🏽