The diary game: My Friday, 12/02/21

in hive-187593 •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello lovely people of Steemit,

Fridays are always blissful days for all people, especially students and workers( who don't work on weekends of course!).
Since I had an early lecture at 7am today, I woke around 6am and freshened up, did my usual pushups(62 today) and had my shower.
I left my hostel around 6:45. Since I was already late, I didn't have time to eat any breakfast(I usually skip breakfast) and I wasn't really bothered about the lateness because I have a bicycle which helps me get to class fast enough(averagely, 8mins from home to campus but a different case when you're walking, which can take you like 20mins).


Going to campus with my bike

I arrived around 6:50am. The TA wasn't around the time I arrived, so we had to wait a little. He came like 20mins later and the lecture started (Structural Geology). The lecture wasn't long so we were done in a few minutes. But the lecturer took the class out to the field to point out things to be made more clear to us. The walk was interesting the first few minutes it started but later got boring and exhausting, we were just going too far and we(students) felt the TA was just going over what he had already shown us. We spent more than an hour on the field under the scorching sun.
We later told him we were tired so the trip had to he postponed to the next day (not sure anyone will go tomorrow anyway ;-p )

Here are some of the pics of the trip


rock with traces of muscovite


on our way to the field


I was ravenous and thirsty when we arrived on campus to I went straight to a food joint (waakye), together with a friend to get something to fuel our bodies.


The food I bought

When I was done eating, I sped off with my bike straight to my hostel, put some music on and had a nap.

I woke and found something else to eat, read a little, made some few calls, played a little and I think that was all for my Friday . Nothing much was done today but I enjoyed every bit of it.

Thanks for reading, God be with you.

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It was a great learning experience at the field bro 👌

Yh man