in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

Greetings everyone, it’s yet another exciting day and I will like to share with everyone in this great community how my day went like. Today been Friday the 19th of August 2022 and for that matter a blessed and holy day for we Muslims is always an interesting and amazing day for us.


I woke up as early as possible to say my dawn prayer which is expected upon every Muslim to do so. I went to the gym after some few minutes of taking a nap because I didn’t want to lose out with my working out schedule.

Today I decided to go to the gym in the morning because early morning training or exercise is very good for the system and also washes or cleans various organs in the system. One difficult thing about training in the morning is the fact that, one will have to sacrifice his or her good sleep to go for training exercise. But since one needs to endure before one will gain then the needful has to be done.


After having enough workout at the gym I decided to return to my home and have some rest. It’s very necessary to have enough rest after some few hours of training, this will help the body to gain some enough transformation and great shape. So I rested for some number of hours by having some good sleep.

I then woke up and it was already time for Jummah prayers which is the special Friday prayers we Muslims normally undertake. This prayer is very important and for that matter one has not to miss it out not for any reason at all. The sermon on todays prayers was on the need to do the needful as Muslims, we need to set out good examples for others and colleague Muslims.


That’s how my day went and I thought of sharing with everyone.
Thank you

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Wow nice post and nice presentation bro.
I can see you really had a great day.
Thanks sharing.

It’s my pleasure

I am glad you were able to say your prayers and am happy you were there before the sermon started. Keep up the good work.

It’s my pleasure
Thank you very much
