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in hive-187593 •  2 years ago  (edited)

The fate of Amanda


My name is Amanda, I am married with children. I am happily married but I would have given up on love,if not for God's intervention. I want to share my story with you not to remember my past but to encourage and give people that have passed through my experience hope and have given up on love because of their personal experience or their loved ones experience.
I came from a family of three (father, mother and me)I am the only child of my parent. My father was a wife beater (I have seen my dad beating and abusing my mom severally)my dad will raped my mom,beat her,abuse her and starve her. Some persons will be like they are married, Yes they are legally married but my dad still raped her. when my mom is sick, even on her monthly dad will tear her clothes,beat her,and raped her.
When my dad comes back home drunk, that day will hell for my mom. My dad have this special chain he used to chain my mum(her hands and legs)and he have this special whip. So every night he comes home drunk, he will chain her legs and hands and flog her with the whip during intercourse.

I know you will be saying why can't she live my dad or divorce him,my mom wanted to live but she cant do you know why, because of her mother (my grandmother)and her slibings(my dad is the one taking care of them)and my mom was just a house wife. I have heard my mom calling my grandma that my father is treating her bad and she is tired and my grandma will tell her to endure because of her and her slibings.

There is one thing that amazed me the most, after everything my dad did to my mom,my mom will always tell me"Amanda dnt hate your dad and Every man is not like your father. They are better men outside"Whenever she said this i will see the pain in her but she always covers it with smile. One day something happened,I was fifteen at that time my dad came back home drunk like usual and mum was not around. From the door my dad was already yelling my mom name and I came to meet him, telling him that my mom was not around and he said that i will replace her,that was when I knew my dad was a beast. My dad drag me to the room,tear my clothes and raped me despite my pleading and tears and when he was done he told me to leave his room, I was crawling with blood because I was not able to walk what was running through my head was how would my dad have sex with me,my dad took my virginity, when my mom saw me crawling downstairs with blood it dawned on her that something happened she went to the Kitchen took a knife went to my dad room and stab him to death with tears in her heart and the only thing that she said was why would you do it, you should have waited for me not our daughter then my mom called me to my dad room and I saw my dad in cold blood and my mom said to me"Amanda be strong,dnt forget all men are not like your father, they're good men outside. She also said Amanda don't be a liability to your husband,Amanda have your own money, Amanda don't let any man maltreat you or Abuse you all in the name of marriage, Amanda walk away.I know divorce is not an option but it doesn't mean you should suffer not only for your sake but also for your children sake and She called me and said Amanda marry the will of God,Dnt rush into marriage but try to enquire from the Lord and ask questions about the man"and my mom stab herself.

After the death of my parent, It was not easy for me but I promise myself never to stay with my grandma or any family members because I was scared that they will push me to make the mistake my mom made because of their love of money. I ran away from home and luckily for me, I was seen by a woman on the road side who had compassion on me and adopted me.I hated men so much that I vow that I will never marry or be in a relationship but one faithful day i met this guy who is now my husband today, If someone tell me that I will fall in love with you,i will say is a lie.Sometimes my husband will look at me and say so I later won your heart.To caught the long story short I am happily married for twelve years and still counting but my marriage is so sweet, I can never forget that my husband will always tell me that I am not your father and I will never treat you like the way he treat your mother.(Because I opened up to him). I am also financially stable not because I am waiting for the day my husband will beat me and I will leave, but because i also need to assist my husband not being a liability to him.


I hope my story will help that person that is facing the same challanges.Dnt be like Amanda mom,run away from that abusive marriage and safe your life,Dnt be a liability and also marry the will of God.

The End
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Most people fear to share their marriage issue. They would rather die within. I hope this help people in similar situation

Same here
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