Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver due to an injury or infection.
The Types of Hepatitis include
🔺Viral hepatitis
🔺Alcoholic hepatitis
🔺Autoimmune hepatitis
🔺Toxic hepatitis
Risk factors-(what predisposes one to contract this)
🔻Chronic Alcoholism
🔻Drug abuse
🔻Unprotected sex
🔻Visiting viral endemic areas
🔻Living with an infected person without being immunized
🔷Among the types, viral hepatitis is the most common.
🔶Viral hepatitis could be caused by Hepatitis (A, B, C, D & E) viruses with the Hepatitis B virus being the most common with a prevalence of 14.3% in adolescents, 8.36% in adults, and 0.55% in children.
About the types
Hepatitis A is an acute, short-term disease, while hepatitis B, C, and D are most likely to become chronic and long-term. Hepatitis D usually occurs in conjunction with hepatitis B infection. Usually, Hepatitis E is acute but can be particularly dangerous in pregnant women.
Causes of viral hepatitis
🔹Unprotected sex
🔹Eating unclean food
🔹Sharing sharps
🔹Mother to child transmission
🔹Living in a filthy environment
▪️Get vaccinated
▪️Practice good personal hygiene
▪️Condom use
▪️Avoid sharing materials with an infected person
🔴Hepatitis can't wait
Get tested and get vaccinated.