in hive-187593 •  4 years ago 

I woke up this morning and decided to start writing daily for two months. I'm sure it might not make sense to you and it honestly doesn’t make any sense to me either. There's no writing prompt that will guide me through this month just because I’m a perfect procrastinating procrastinator.



So I’ve learned the hard way often through a truckload of regrets and the ‘I’m not ready yet excuse’ and ‘it’s not perfect yet excuse’. I usually wait to be all perfect and ready before I start anything. For example, I’ve been thinking about having a writing prompt for months now and I’m here without one. I use the time I’m supposed to do the work to think about perfecting the work that I haven’t started, the result is that I sleep off in the middle of my thinking process. Only to wake and postpone my thinking to when next the spirit visits.


By the time this goes up today, I would probably not have worked on my bio, so bear with me as I work on being a more accountable and dependable being. We will surely take this a day at a time. Hopefully, procrastination doesn’t win as I have a new accountability partner. You might be wondering who it is. Well, it’s you, dear. Hold me accountable through this journey. Since I don’t have a prompt I will write whatever flows into my mind the mornings I wake.


For the days I wake up angry, I will write about Ghana. For my moody days, we will talk about bloody exes. For the times I’m happy, we will talk about the goodness and abundance that permeates through an optimistic person. These people are always happy. For the days I got my thinking cap on, we talk about mindful living, good old insecurities, personal development, femininity, navigating your twenties, books, passion, and all that good and serious stuff.


You might wonder if I have enough knowledge to write about these things but my mantra is, if you don’t know it, go figure it out. This writing might be a bit over the place but in my heart, I know you know it’s going to be a good read. I will try to edit like a normal person to avoid getting a brain drain from reading this. I think I need to stop here as my creative juices have suddenly stopped flowing.

Thanks for reading, see you soon.

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Great piece 👌

Thanks, bro.

Your write up is deep, needs to be digested piece by piece. Kudos

Thanks for taking time to read my post.

I like the way you write and arrange your thoughts.

keep it up G