Take a Walk

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

When i say take a walk i mean it literally that you should take a walk. Walking is one of the best things you could do in many situations and instances both literally and figuratively. Scientists have made us come to understand that walking is actually very healthy and a great way to exercise for those who may not be able to go the vigorous or aggressive way.


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It would keep you system running, helps you burn fat and control your calories as well as your blood pressure. Then again it is a great way to have some peace of mind, to think and plan for the future. It is a bonus for you if you get an amazing environment to do your walk, serenity would add a whole lot to the whole process.

Also, when you are angry, take a walk. Leave the situation or person that is vexing you, it is a better alternate to you reacting when you are angry because 9 out of 10 reactions during an angry process or mood never ends well and the individuals involved always come out regretting their decisions and wishing they had actually walk away.

Another walk you can take is basically walking it off when something bad happens to you. Much like what Captain America said that when you get killed walk it off during the fight with Thanos and his armies. I am not saying go and get yourself killed, no, but life is not a roller coaster ride, even for those born with silver spoons in their mouth.

It goes up and comes down, somethings is full of pains and hurt etc, sometimes it is full of love and wonderful and amazing memories. Now when the good comes embrace them, take that walk with your love one, express your love and make sure they know you care, but when the bad times also come, walk it off, let it go, don't let regrets and pain lead your life because then you will never truly be ok.


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So take a walk, walk with the good and the bad and above all, i pray for you to know just when you need to walk so you do not walk when you ought not to or overdo it or overstay your welcome at places. Stay safe and have a wonderful time.

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Thank you very much for sharing with the community. Keep posting on the platform.

Thank you for your time sharing with us. Keep sharing friend.


Nice post and nice dairies. Keep posting and thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing