The Good Old Days

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

It is said that, "Amane3 yento ntwene", which literally translates as we do not through away our culture. Our culture is our way of life and whiles it is important that we upgrade ourselves and make better of things that may fall short in our way of life, it is important that we do not let go of it completely because then we would loss our ancestry.


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It is also said that if you forget the sigil or your hometown you will end up losing your way at the durbar grounds. Our ancestry holds our heritage, the story untold of our pasts and the past of our fathers and forefathers, through this knowledge is past down of the struggles had been through and how far we have come as a group.

This helps guide our path, our actions and inactions, through our ancestry we learn from our mistakes, we let this guide us and our children, that what truly defines us is not lost to the days ahead. Nowadays a lot has changed and so we refer to those times as the good old days, when innocence was the hall mark, now tech rules.


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That is definitely a goo thing, however i would admonish the youth of today to not let go off their ancestry completely lest you loss your way in a fast growing world, know your culture and its ways that it may continue to define you in a particular way and help guide your path so you can always find your way back home, because after all there is not place like home.

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I remember how fun it was when we were kids. Some games we played and all that, it was just soul-healing.
However, I think the world is evolving and we must evolve with it. Our culture is one thing that's hindering our development as Africans or precisely Ghanaians. It doesn't always help, it draws us back.
We try to add our culture to everything we do, marriage, our food, even politics? Does it help?

It is also said that if you forget the sigil or your hometown you will end up losing your way at the durbar grounds

There is a lot of news concerning this particular provide. The fact is that, it true when you come to the later part. Our ancestors really new what they were taking about during the olden days.