in hive-187593 •  4 years ago 


Greetings from me to you all

Happy to partake in this contest, it's really a great contest @silencewan, to get opinions and ideas from members on how to improve steem-Ghana, it's really a great idea, we can get more opinions from members and see what Steem-Ghana is lacking.

**what we expect to see in steem-Ghana **


In life there is no knowledge that is a waste, we get to learn from reading, watching and doing other things, each day we have to learn new things that we don't know from each other, i want to be expecting to see in #steem-ghana community a great post like educative, informative, motivative, inspirational quotes, fictions, health Care, skin care, hair Care, art work, food recipe and culture and tradition of different countries at least it will enlighten people about other people culture and tradition and other things, posters should try to post something that is very creative so that when people come to read the post they will learn something unknown to them and when they learn new things everyday people around them would want to know where they learnt such and through that process #steem-ghana will be made known to them.

Commenting and voting
Every of our actions can either make someone or break someone, as a poster, you might have post something and expect a good result but when you come you didn't see what you are expecting it will break the person down and shatter the person's hope to post more, at least it will be good when a poster post something, we should try to comment and upvote on the person's post, and if the person's post is not that correct then you can correct the person in the comments section and also upvote the post, "Nobody is perfect" if i post something and it's not correct and you can correct me then it will help me a lot to know that i didn't get it than leaving me to continue in the same mistake. Commenting and voting can encourage a poster to post more and when a poster is encouraged he or she will invite others to join#steem-ghana.

It will be great that we can hold a contest in #steem-ghana community whereby poster can post about their cultures and traditions, recipe of their local food, art work, share their experience they have encountered in life that inspired them, fiction writing contest, write about the place you have traveled to and how you feel about that place with pictures at least we can get to know more places from reading other people's post, a contest about how people take care of their health, hair and skin and sometimes contest that can educate people and contest whereby people can exhibit there skills and talent etc.

This is the things I want to see in #steemghana community and also for people who visit this community can get something new whenever they visit this community and we should also invite our friends to join the community, it will help the community to grow more.

Thanks for reading


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Thanks for your concerns raised. I’d really consider that probably sometime. I love the fact that you mentioned that we portray our culture and so many stuff. It’s a good point raised. Also commenting and voting is really key in the community. We can all improve upon that. Thanks anyways for the entry. Wish you all the best of luck.

Thanks for reading and also for the feedback too

Nice entry dear.


  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Well done


Great points all in the very right direction and great expectations too, thanks dear

Thanks too for reading