Pointing Fingers, the Blame Game

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

The Blame game is easy to play, it is easy to point fingers at others when things do not go well than to point them at ourselves, we may even be right in terms of knowing who may truly be the blame nonetheless we shouldn't always be so eager and ready to blame others when things do not go right for us or a team we may be a part of.


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The blame game can cause you to lose great friends, amazing relationships, and loved ones, it may keep you from achieving that greatness that may have been awaiting you because you were so quick and eager to blame others. That said you do not also have to blame yourself always, you do not even have to blame yourself.

This is because none of us are perfect, mistakes are bound to be made, we cannot expect everything to go smoothly for us and so when it does happen like that we shouldn't be blaming ourselves because we can't see the future and even if we could have foretold this happening we may not have had the power to change.


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So when bad things happen to discuss them, talk over them, don't point fingers, don't put the blame, instead try to find solutions to what has already happened, what we can do to make things better and avoid another such happening in the future. I hope you do not fall prey to the blame game.

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Is good to share this with us. Keep posting on this noble platform