Respect and Loyalty

in hive-187593 •  2 years ago 

There are very few things in this life that cannot be bought or forced two of these is what we refer to as respect and loyalty. Respect can only be gained, it is very similar to trust, and before one can gain the respect of another they would have to have done something to merit that, in most cases, it's all about reciprocation.


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Respect is very much reciprocal, when you respect someone they would respect you, and then there is the factor of you respecting yourself to be able to earn the respect of others. How you convey yourself, and how much respect you give to yourself concerning those around you would also merit you that respect from those around you knowing very well that you respect yourself enough that they ought not to do otherwise.

Then there is the case of loyalty, people can gain loyalty through the respect they may exhibit or gain from their peers however loyalty goes a little beyond that. To gain the loyalty of another you must show the same loyalty to them or even more, and you must prove without reasonable doubt that you have their back just as they have yours and that they could call on you just as you can call on them when needed.


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Fortunately or unfortunately this can easily be lost, I mean the respect and loyalty gained. When things go south and you do not play your cards well, it can easily be lost and when lost it is close to impossible to get it back, things are high difficulty and so it because necessary that you do everything in your power to protect that respect and loyalty, because you may just lose a friend by losing this...

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Conclusion: Thanks so much for writing and sharing this article in the Steem Ghana community. Indeed, respect and loyalty is one of the most important value that we must inculcate in our daily lives

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