How to Achieve a Better Work Life Balance

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 
Hello everyone

Having a hectic routine can be very tiring. Exhausting both physically and psychologically. Balancing work routines and other aspects of life is not always easy. Because there are so many challenges that we need to face and overcome in realizing a work life balance.


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For friends who are currently struggling to achieve a work life balance, below I will discuss the steps that must be tried. just see the description below, friends.

1. Wake Up More Routinely

Having the habit of getting up early in the morning can be the first step to creating a healthier routine for us. A study published in the journal PLoS ONE found that people who used to wake up early had lower levels of anxiety than people who went to bed late and woke up late. The research conducted in 2020 with the title Quality of sleep and anxiety are related to circadian preference in university students states that the habit of getting up in the morning can provide more benefits to one's body and mental health, one of which is increasing alertness and reducing anxiety. If so far it is still difficult to realize a work-life balance, then you can try to start by building a better morning routine.

2. Have a Journal Book or Routine Agenda

Finding balance in life means finding a central point, a place where we can feel peace, focus on the present, and be happy. To be able to find that point, we need to have our own picture of what a balanced life is like. We can start by making a list of activities or routines that we feel comfortable doing. Having a special book as a journal or agenda book can make it easier for us to carry out various activities in a more focused manner.

3. Take Time to Breathe Fresh Air

At least make a special schedule for a break or a breath of fresh air every once in a while. You can take a short trip to a new place or open nature that offers more refreshing air. Research I read in the journal Health & Place found that traveling and being in close proximity to nature encourage older adults to be more physically, spiritually and socially active, all three of which greatly contribute to maintaining quality of life and thus helping to slow down the aging process.

4. Do the Tasks One by One

The more often we multitask, the more susceptible we are to stress. Therefore, we need to practice prioritizing. Focus on the things that need to be done first before moving on to anything else. Solve problems one by one. In my opinion, maybe this is not as easy as the theory, but it can be tried if you want to live a more balanced life without being prone to stress.

5. Reduce the habit of overthinking

Sometimes we are too easy to overthink because we want and demand everything to be perfect, even though we will still experience mistakes and failures at any time. For that we need to recognize our strengths and weaknesses. Trying to do the best we can and giving up or letting go of the things we can't control.

That's all I can say on this occasion. Hopefully the tips and information above can be useful for all of us and in the future we can have a better quality of life.

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Great entry you have got here. Keep sharing the quality content and be consistent on the platform and you will enjoy.

Thank you very much for the support sir. Hopefully I can continue to be consistent here as you said. Greetings from me, I hope you are always healthy.