How to Deal with Problems at Work

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

Helo everybody.
Best wishes to friends in this community, I hope you are all healthy always and keep the spirit of living this hard life.
Today I decided to share an educational lesson with you all, I hope you believe it and will help us for a better life.

How to Deal with Problems at Work


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Problems are things we can't avoid. We will always encounter problems, including at your workplace later. If you get into trouble at work later, don't let it go. Especially if you run away from problems at your workplace later. Accept and face the problems at work that are in front of you.

Stay positive.

When there is a problem at work, then try to stay positive, both in thought and deed. Keeping positivism in yourself will make you calmer and tougher in dealing with problems at work. Even if the problem persists for weeks or months. Or, if your problem involves a third party as a mediator and problem solver.

You can apply this method to various problems in the workplace. One of them is when you receive a decision from your boss or colleague that you think is wrong. When this happens, you should accept it with relief, and stay positive about them. Instead of complaining, you can try to find some data that proves their decision is wrong. When it is found, try to apply and show them nicely. Who knows, their wrong decisions can be corrected or corrected.

Find a middle ground.

This method is done if you have problems with your coworkers. Not infrequently, we must have problems with co-workers, whether due to personal or professional factors. This will be bad if left alone.

To apply this method, you can invite a coworker who has a disagreement/problem with you. Do this when your heart and head are cooler and calmer. This is done so that you can talk to him clearly, without excessive anger.

Discuss with your coworkers about the root of your problem. Find a solution or a middle ground for your problems. The results of your discussion may not make you close friends who agree with you. But, don't worry, because that's not the main purpose of your discussion. The discussions that you have done can at least produce things that you can agree on, for example, yes, it's a kind of compromise.

Find out the meaning and causes of the problems at work that you are Experiencing.

This method does not always make you find the core and cause of your problem in a nutshell. Sometimes it can take a long time for you to find the core and the cause of your problems at work. But that shouldn't be a problem. Be patient and keep doing this method, until you know the core of the problem and the cause.

After knowing the core and causes of the problem, then solve the problem immediately. Solve to the root, so that the problem does not repeat itself and appears in the future.

Realize that I may be the cause of problems at your Workplace.

Perhaps, the cause of the problems in the workplace right now is you. Maybe you don't want to admit it, but reality may say so. Having the awareness that you are the cause of all the problems at work is not easy. It takes sharp common sense and deep humility, to have this kind of awareness.

Realizing that you are the cause of problems at work is in itself very good. This kind of awareness can allow you to evaluate and improve yourself. That way, in the future you can be more careful and not be the cause of problems at work.

There's nothing wrong with asking other people for Help.


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Problems cannot always be solved alone. Especially if the problem is a problem at work. In certain conditions, you have to ask other people for help in solving problems in your workplace.

For example: when you have a conflict with a coworker and it doesn't go away, then you can ask a third party for help. You can ask for help from other coworkers, division heads, managers, or HR to be a third party in your problems.

If you have overcome problems at work as much as possible even through the help of others, then you don't have to worry. Take note of the problems at work that you face, and make it a lesson for you and maybe the people in your office. This is done so that future problems in the workplace do not recur in the future. Or, if it happens again, you and the people in the office will be much better prepared to deal with the problem.



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“Problems are a constant in our lives,” says Mark Manson in 'The Art of Being Stupidly Stupid'. Mark's statement also applies to problems at work. Troubles in the office are a constant. In a sense, will continue to happen in our lives from time to time.

Therefore, do not necessarily shrink or even run away from problems at work. Try to deal with it well through a number of ways that I have described above. Hopefully the methods that I have described can help to solve the problems that occur in the workplace, all of you.

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Hi @mrquenn,

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Conclusion: Thanks so much for writing and sharing with us your good work in the community. Yes, indeed problems are what occurs frequently in our daily lives and as a matter of that should be minimized, thanks so much for this quality vital article. I liked your presentation style including the markdowns used. Keep sharing. Thank you

Thank you very much for your feedback sir @abu78 .

Wherever human beings are there is a problem and this problems can only be solved by man We have to do the best we can in other for our problems to be solved when the need arises. Patience is going to play a role in achieving this goal.

Thanks for sharing