The dairy game//03/02/2022//my Thursday activities

in hive-187593 •  3 years ago 

Hello family

Greetings every body, I am extremely joyful to share with everyone in this exceptional community yet another thrilling day of mine. I wish we are doing good and hoping for the best in life. irrespective of the circumstances

we find ourselves in let's hope for the best and leave everything for the one who holds and moulds our lives, I am truly sure that the future will be exceptional🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹

today been another grateful day the most high God has given to us, I woke up blissfully this morning, prayed to the creator of the universe for his Mercy upon my life, I was inside reading story books, now it has come to my understanding that as a believer mercy is the key thing we should pray for, I than set out around 10am and visited a friend of mine and also discuss with him about the utag strike, we had a lot of conversation, around 12pm I returned back home.


at my friend house

on my way coming home I had a call from one of my colleagues to design a flyer for him, I quickly run home and design the flyer for him, it was quiet unfortunate I already have his flyer on my laptop so I edited few things and I sent it to him,he was happy about it, after then, I was very hungry I went to roadside and buy rice and stew.

with my laptop designing flyer for a friend

After the food I returned back home, I was inside watching television untill I got a visitors their aim is to pay me a visit, I welcomed them and offer them some drinks, we had alot of conversation because they are level 100 students they don't know much about the school as a continue student is my duty to help them know much about the school, I was able to answer all the their questions, after everything I escorted them to their house.

my friends

In fact I was very tired I couldn't go any where again I ended my day, please thanks for your vote and time.

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You are very lucky that you have friends

Awwwww thanks buddy