The Dairy Game: Giving Alms To The Poor: 29/04/21

in hive-187593 •  4 years ago 

Greetings everyone,
Zakat implies given cheritable gifts out of kindness to help the poor.
This is one of the pilers of Islam which is commonly practiced during the period of Ramadan. It is preferred during the period of Ramadan because, Muslims believe that when you do good during this period, your reward is doubled.


Picture of some gifts from the Arabs
In this month, almost every Muslim try his or her best to extend some helping hands to the poor.



Picture of I and a friend packaging some sugar to be distributed.

Though It is not all that easy to give out part of the little you have to the poor but the fact is when you try placing your legs in their shoes, you get to feel how it is. Some can't even afford food talkless of cloth.
Indeed alms giving is really good.
Thank you.

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