Greeting to all beautiful ladies. I hope that you all are fine and enjoying great life with blessings of GOD. We all should thanks to GOD for his unlimited blessings. And you all are performing great on this platform. And I really appreciate all of your work And I learnt from your posts also
Well today is Monday . And according to dynamic posts. Today I have to share something about beauty tips. And there is name of beauty. Girls are always present hehe. Girls are always very fond of make up, jewelry or dressing etc. And I also very font pf specially of decent make up and jewelry.
On weddings I always try to decent make up and jewelry . And today I will share something that is very urgently used . Sometimes some functions are very close to attend but we have no preparation. And today I will share best idea for urgently use beauty tips
Actually i have experience about this because Yesterday I have to go to function that is very important for me also. Today I will tell you about urgent Bleach cream that is used when you have to go any where urgently. And I used it first time time today. And it has great result.
First of all I would like to you the name that is BABA APPLE GOLDEN BLEACH CREAM
Actually all details are given on this packet but I will tell you in detail. It is used for whiting the color and also used for removing dirt from face, hands and foots also. And you can also use on elbows because some have very dark color on elbows
I will show you that how I mixed it and how can we used it
First of all I cutt this packet. And it has two more packets in it. In one bleach cream and in the other packet cyrum that we have to add in bleach . First you put the bleach in little bowl then add cyrum that was in poser shape
And mixe it very well
After that you can remain it for three to four minutes then you have to apply to your hands or where you want to use
After that you have to wash it almost after ten minutes. You have to wash it very well and then you can use that lotion that is in packet of bleach or you can use another lotion
And amazing thing is that I bought it in just Pakistani 30 rupees and I have no side effects
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