Egg Spinach Recipe

in hive-188403 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Egg Spinach Recipe Ingredients

½ pound spinach

3-4 eggs

Salt black pepper chili pepper

Red pepper

2-3 tablespoons of oil

1.5 tablespoons of tomato paste

1 medium onion

Half soup pot (optional)


Remove the roots of the spinach and wash it with plenty of water. Put it in a pot and boil it lightly without pouring water on it. Take oil in a large pan and fry the small chopped onion in oil. Add the paste. Then take the spinach in a colander (don't squeeze the water, it will be more delicious when there is little water when you take it through the colander.) and add the fenugreek if desired, mix and lightly fry the spinach. Adjust the salt and spice, open 4 eyes on it and break the eggs into the gaps. After adding salt and red pepper on the eggs, close the lid of the pan and keep it on the fire until the egg whites are cooked. Bon Appetit…






Eggs with spinach allow you to meet most of your daily vitamin needs. In addition to all these, it is good for eye health, bone health, and the health of reproductive organs. Eggs with spinach also contribute to bodybuilders by adjusting the hormone balance. Hormones are important for bodybuilding.


Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia caused by the lack of enough iron in the body. Low iron levels are usually caused by blood loss, malnutrition, or inability to absorb iron from food.

Among the benefits of spinach, its antioxidant effects take the first place. In this way, it increases the body's resistance to diseases. Since it contains plenty of iron, it is a good supplementary food source for those struggling with problems such as anemia. Spinach is very beneficial for health with its vitamins and minerals. It strengthens the eyes with its high amount of vitamin A in it. It allows the digestive system and especially the stomach to work regularly. Spinach is also an ideal source of protein and helps to have a healthy body. It is beneficial for the nervous system and can be effective in relieving stress-like problems. Spinach can be applied to the skin as a mask as well as consumed in meals. Spinach mask helps the skin to look lively. Being rich in fiber, protein and vitamin values, it is a unique source especially for vegan individuals. Spinach, which accelerates metabolism, helps to lose weight; You can consume soup, low-fat meals or a beverage that you pass through the blender. Dark green leafy spinach is a blessing in terms of vitamin K; thus, it especially supports the bone development of children.


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I love this recipe, very delicious and great combination of eggs and spinach. Awesome! 🥬 Thank you very much for sharing with us.