Good Day Steem Women Community, hope you are doing okay despite the pandemic that we have. Praying for a world healing and peace to everyone out there.
Today, I prepared super easy food that you will surely love. It’s a low budget cake with a lot of twist, since pandemics really affect our budget then I decided to create my own version of cake that will really fit my budget.
Choco Chiffon Cake
Nips or M&M
Chocolate Syrup or Chocolate Bar
Step 1:
Open the cake wrap and put it on the plate (depends on what is available in your kitchen)
Step 2:
Put the Chocolate syrup in the side and upper part of the cake, spread it well since this will become the base of our design.
(If you don’t have available syrup in your kitchen then you can get a chocolate bar and melt it on a low-medium bar until it become liquid)
Step 3:
Get a piece of stick-o then put it on the side of the cake. It’s your choice on how tall the stick-o will be. Make sure that it will stick to the syrup that you made since this is really need to make our awesome cake.
Step 4:
After you put the stick-o around the cake then it’s time to get the ribbon. Place it outside the stick-o to lock it up, make sure that the stick-o are still intact. We don’t want to ruined our cake.
Step 5:
Place the Nips or M&M on top of the cake anything you want. You design it in your preference. Place also on top the marshmallow to make it more lovely and colorful. The more nips you can put on top the more it will be delicious.
If you're asking why I don’t make the cake from scratch then my answer is I don’t have the necessary equipment to do it and I feel like buying it from my neighbor since I can help her with her business to have a sale.
Hope you learn something from me today. I will do my best to make it even better and to learn more about cooking since everyday is a learning process.