♥️¡Hola comunidad de Steemit! ♥️
♥️Hello community of Steemit! ♥️
Hello dear community and friends of #Steemit and #steemwomenclub, I hope you are well, you are welcome once again to my blog, a space dedicated to generating new useful and positive ideas for our life. Today I bring you a fun tutorial where I decided to put on makeup to improve each technique that I am slowly learning to improve to achieve a makeup as seen in networks. This time I made a makeup in warm tones to combine with my skin tone, I really love using these colors because they are very versatile when looking for what clothes to use and also that they can be worn at any time and occasion here I will share my step by step based on what I have learned. The truth was I felt very happy to see the result because I was better than I expected and well, if I tell you the truth, I have improved a lot compared to my beginnings where I did not even know how to decline, but that is about learning and improving , always keeping in mind that the only impossible thing is that which is not attempted. I hope you like it and let me know that I can improve to take it into account in a next step by step of makeup ...
To start our makeup what we will do is, make our eyebrows as usual, in my case I use the pomade and the shadow to seal, after I blur them I start to define them around the contour applying concealer or base, finally I take my sponge and I blend until it is completely applied by taking this application through the basin and the mobile eyelid, as usual we must seal the liquid products. with dry products, for that we will use powder or shade as appropriate.
We will continue our makeup process by applying shadows to our eyes, this time I will use warm tones due to the versatility that these colors can have when wearing them. So what we will do is select the tones to use, always going from the darkest tone to the lightest, once we have made the selection what we will do is apply the dark color in the basin of our eye, to give more depth and elegance to our look, for that we will help ourselves with a small brush, after we have our basin already well painted and blurred, we will proceed to apply a lighter tone on the mobile eyelid, always looking for the contrast of colors, ensuring that it is well blurred and united, finally We will add concealer in the middle of our mobile eyelid. We will do this so that the colors that we will apply have better pigment and stand out more, once we have applied and dry the base or the concealer, we will wait for it to dry and apply the lighter tones, to give shine to our makeup. Then we will apply some running eyelashes and a thick eyeliner.
Finalmente para terminar nuestro maquillaje, lo que haremos es aplicar nuestra base por todo el rostro y difuminaremos con la ayuda de una esponjita, luego sellamos con polvo y aplicamos rubor en las mejillas e iluminador en las zonas donde generalmente se enfoca más las miradas.
With this my loves we have concluded, I hope you liked this makeup in warm tones that I made for you. I hope you liked the result, see you in a next blog. Blessings