Hello Strong and Beautiful Women of SteemWomen Club,
I'm so delighted because it is my first time posting here and I really hope you find this piece really helpful and most especially, practice what you learn. I'll be talking about my use of Apple cider vinegar in treating acne and acne related problems.
My wonder bottle 😁
Skin care to ladies can be as important as to Drinking water. As much as it's considered a complete waste of time and energy, it is indeed one of the Basic necessities every woman should consider because as the saying goes "looking good is good business". Allow me introduce you, my lovely lady to the business of looking good.
As we all know, 70% of the women population world wide have problems relating to their skin, ranging from pimples to severe acne, to sun burn to black spots, dark circles etc. We develop Innately a craving that constantly drives us to want to make ours skin look great at all cost. This isn't abnormal in any way. I for one had this experience which drove me to finding answers to the questions on my face.
Approaching adolescence I knew I was definitely going to have acne related problems. Considering the fact that my Dad had pimples and so did my mom, there was no escape route. Another factor was the fact that I am quite hairy. Although I didn't know this back then but making research I found out that ladies who are quite hairy are prone to more pimples. The extra hairy nature in ladies are as a result of high testosterone in their bodies.Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males which plays a key role in the development of make reproductive tissues such as testes and prostate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass, and the growth of body hair. Ladies should have a little of this but When it is higher than normal in females, visual indication is being hairy most times. Ladies with lower than normal can barely have any hair on their skin, usually having smooth body and skin.
My skin a year ago
Too bad I can't get pictures of how bad my skin was about 2 years ago but I hope these ones give an idea. I used so many products on my skin that damaged it the more until I found out about APPLE CIDER VINEGAR
My Braggs Apple cider vinegar
From the name, we are of the knowledge that it is made from Apples. When we ferment crushed apples we get apple cider vinegar. It contains acetic acid and it is a source of nutrients like vitamins B and C. It's acidic nature gives it a sour taste and makes it not so suitable for straight drinking, because it can lead to eroding of the enamel in your teeth. So as much as drinking it is very beneficial, it has to be diluted in water or tea. It's most important content is called the mother, a cloud of yeast and bacteria usually seen at the bottom. It is what makes it healthy.
Apple cider vinegar has numerous health benefits but I'm focusing on just skin care.
In this post I'll be showing you how to use apple cider vinegar on your face for best results and also show you pictures of my face now so you'd see the difference
-Apple cider vinegar(I recommend Braggs)
-pure honey
-cottenwool/cotton pads
-mixing plate
Warning:This is a very simple skin care routine and very tasty too😌😋, don't be tempted to drink 😂, it's edible but may burn.
-Take your clean mixing plate
-Measure a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar and pour into the plate as seen below
-Add 3 tablespoon of water
-Add half tablespoon of honey
-Mix until the honey is properly dissolved
-Voila!!, It's ready for application 😁, you can store in an air tight container.
Cut out a sizeable amount of cotton wool or cotton pad, depending on preference. Dab the mixture with the cotton wool and generously pat on your skin.
You might want to close your eyes a little because your eyes might be sensitive to it.
My skin currently, smooth and glowing
This was one of my beautiful discoveries in my quest for a better and brighter skin. It's officially my best by the way. Give it a try, I'd suggest a 7 day, morning and night application for better results. You can also serve as a substitute for sunscreen,and makeup can be applied over it when it has dried properly, serving as the protective barrier.
Now I enjoy a beautiful skin all day and I guess you do too, once you've done this.
I hope you find this interesting and more importantly educating. I'd look forward to your comments.
Thanks for reading ☺️