THEDIARYGAME SEASON 3 FOR 23/10/2021|| Attended The Street Mentors Program|| Attended A Wedding and A Church Program

in hive-188403 •  3 years ago 

Like the saying goes "some days are not always the same" and so was how my Saturday went.

My Saturdays are not always busy except I have some engagement but this Saturday was different from the rest.

I woke up very early knowing I had a long day ahead. Did my morning prayers, while I watched my dirty clothes, my junior brother fetched water to fill on the house and when I was done watching, I decided to cook a little fast food which was spaghetti.

I was done with the cooking in no time, took my bath, brushed my teeth, and prepared for the day ahead. It wasn't still early, so I decided to lay down on my mind.

When I realized it was 8:am, I dressed up and set out for my first task which is to meet with my group which we call Street Mentors. This group is set to take the young kids out of the street and so far so good, we've been rallying around to get this kid and bring them together.

I got there and luckily other members came out. We started by saying our prayers and then, one of us taught them hygiene before we went into the curriculum we had set up for them.


We divided them into two since they were of different ages and most of them were never enrolled in school, so they don't know anything.

I decided to handle two of them and then I realized that they knew nothing about the alphabet or number.


That's me sitting on the floor with the two kids because we have no sit. I taught them how to write the alphabet and identify.

After I gave them classwork to write a letter A, I took my leave back home. On my way home, I passed through the market and decided to get fruit for myself. Since the fruit was quite costly, and I had a little amount of money, I decided to go for pineapple only.


I got home, took my bath, got dressed, and left for my second task which is a wedding of one of the youth at Itu in Obot Itu

Heading to the venue wasn't an easy task as the distance was pretty far from my place and fortunately, since I am the youth welfare office, I had to attend the wedding so I can give her the gift the youth bought for her.

The traffic was a hectic one that I was sitting on the bus for close to two hours and we did not move. I had to board another bike which took me out of the traffic after paying the bus driver.

When I got there, they had already matched them and the program had gone far but luckily, I got to the fun part where the couples were asked to kiss themselves.


After the first order of service, I didn't want to wait because I had a church program to attend, so I left the venue but not after giving her junior brother the gift I brought to be given to her.

The traffic did not end causing me to stay in traffic for another two hours before reaching the church. By the time I got to the church, I was so exhausted that I did not realize when I slept off till the service was over.

After the service was over, I got up and headed home, and immediately after I got home, I changed up, warmed up the leftover food in the house, and ate. I got on my bed and dozed off like it's no man's business.

I woke up the next day which was Sunday feeling exhausted and moody because the previous day exhaustion was yet to wash off me.

Thank you for reading through the blog.

Cc: @steemwomensclub
Cc: @svm038

This is my introductory post link

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Nice diary post you got, thanks for sharing

😁😁😁 “the previous day exhaustion was yet to wash off me” got me
Indeed you’re multitasking I appreciated the way you arrange your affair for the days activities.
What you need is swimming to ease off the stress! Well done @evegrace

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