Date: Monday the 26th of July 2021
The first thing that i did when i woke up is to to weigh myself, and i lost 0.500kg within one day because i didn't ate well yesterday.
I ate for lunch, Dot too and then i played some games on my phone, nothing serious. I fell asleep, even though i wasn't sleepy at all. Luckily i woke up early in the evening. I went to the kitchen and we noticed that the floor was full of water. The water came from the fridge.
The fridge wanted to clean it from the ice, so it stopped working by telling us somehow that it needs cleaning. After the cleaning, the fridge worked again.
I spend a lot of time with Dot by playing with his toy. I am very well today, but i didn't plan to go for walking because i hadn't ate as usual for lunch, i ate less to be sure that i will be ok.
Today i fed a new stray kid, but as i saw the kids, Bleen wasn't happy about the new cat in the neighborhood. I gave to Dot his dinner too and then i did a bath and after that i spend some time on social media until i fell asleep.
Date: Tuesday the 27th of July 2021
I woke up and i ate for lunch, as you noticed i don't wake up early and that's because i sleep late at night.
After the lunch i sent my resume in a jewellery store. I'm thinking to give my resume in a store with shoes too.
After my dinner i played with Dot a lot. I'm thinking to go for walking tomorrow but i'm not sure yet.
Date: Wednesday the 28th of July 2021
I woke up at 08:50am. It was too early for me. My mom had an appointment at the Health Center for her montly blood test. She knew that i wanted to go with her so she woke me up. The Health Center is 20-25 minutes away on feet, so we walked a lot and then we went at the supermarket.
This statue was out of the Health Center.
When we returned back home i ate for breakfast and then i fell sleep, without eatting for lunch.
I had walk a lot already but i wanted to walk some more. At 08:00pm, i went for my regular walking. I had many days to go out but i didn't get tired at all.
I ate for dinner a lot and i shouldn't because all of that walking it was like waste of time in the end. I gave Dot's dinner as well and then i went to my room and i sent my resume in a pastry store.
I couldn't sleep all night. I tried to listen music but it didn't help me that moment. At 06:30am Dot came to my room. I thought that he wanted to sleep with me so i let him on my bed. He was licking his fur for a lot of minutes, so i was sure that he was about to sleep. I lost time at some point which it means that i fell asleep. And then at 07:30 Dot woke me up by bitting my legs. It turned out that he wanted breakfast and not sleeping.
After a while i fell asleep by listening music.
Date: Thursday the 29th of July 2021
I woke up straight for the lunch. I had to publish the "Nail time" post but i hadn't prepare it and the laptop hadn't battery so i had to wait to charge completely.
I'd never use the laptop when is charging. In that way the life of the battery can last longer.
I wrote and published that post and i searched for jobs. I found 3 interesting jobs and i sent my resume. I found a factory which is at least 1 hour away from me but it will be my last option.
Date: Friday the 30th of July 2021
It's the same routine of searching jobs, but at least i have Dot and music to make it through the day.
These days the weather is so hot. I don't even plan to go for walking. I don't like summer, but i love autumn and winter.
I didn't do many things, i just turned on this little magical thing to cool me down and i slept a lot.
The magic thing is my fan.
Date: Saturday the 31st of July 2021
Last day of this month! The time pass so fast.
I have many games in my phone, but i have to be active in a specific game because i'm the leader of my team and i have to be a great player for my teammates. Well, it's a simple game.
You own a coffee shop and you serve coffee/tea/sweets etc to your custumers. Every costumer has a story to tell, when you finish that story you level up.
There are 2 festivals every week and my team competes with other teams. The team with the most points gets the bigger prize.
There are many styles to decorate your shop. I play this game for 3 or 4 years i'm not sure, and i have my own team for 1 year.
That game distract me from my everyday routine.
Oh, i just remembered that i haven't write anything in my laptop about this post and i have to publish it on Monday. And i'm thinking to go for walking. Great! 😋
Well, i didn't go for walking because i saw 2-3 episodes on Netflix. Maybe i will go tomorrow. But at least i wrote some of the post on my laptop.
Date: Sunday the 1st oh August 2021
When i woke up i searched for jobs, i found some and i sent my resume. I counted them and i sent my resume in 14 stores.
All day i was planning to go for walking, but the fate had different plans.
My fan started to make a weird sound like something is burning, so i opened it up to check it. It had so many hair of mine in the center. I cleaned the most part of the fan, i waited until the water dry (the wet towel made the cleaning eassier), and after 1 hour i turned it on. It worked again! The weather is so hot these days and i'm really glad that the fan didn't broken.
Photos by @georgia11