Date: Monday the 16th of August 2021
Today i didn't do many things all day. But the moment that i will keep, is when my mom came with me for walking at night. She doesn't like to go out after 21:00pm, so it was a big time for both of us.
She wants to do that again, but more early. I don't know when will be that time.
Date: Tuesday the 17th of August 2021
I had the crazy idea to go for shopping at the supermarket but that store is almost 20 minutes on feet. We can find there delicious ice cream and a lot of option and good prices.
My mom came with me, and the weirdest part is when she told me that she can't stay in the house, she wants to go out more often these days. I don't know how did this happend. Usually she doesn't want to go out so often.
Anyway when we returned back home we ate for dinner, and then we went to sit in the balcony from the side of the yard and we ate an ice cream. It's quite at night. We sat there for 1 hour or more and then i gave some food to Bleen, Lea and Dot's dinner and then we went to our bedrooms.
I spent some time on social media until i fell sleep.
Date: Wednesday the 18th of August 2021
Today i decided to stay in the house for once but i had a great time with Dot.
I fed the stray kids for dinner. I don't know how Bleen knew that i was going for them. I found him in front of the door on his 2 feet to watch me through the glass as i was walking to him.
And of course all of them were meowing to me for their dinner.
Then i spent some time with Dot and maybe he understood that i fed them because he kind of attacked me.
Date: Thursday the 19th of August 2021
Today i ordered the earrings for the wedding. I can say that i found cheap jewellery even though they lookd like the price is huge. I will have them from September because the store is closed 'cause of the vocation but i ordered them anyway because i wanted to be sure that i will have them on time.
Today as i was walking i found that a store here in my city needs an employee, and they had left a phone number on their door to call them if you are interested.
I took a photo of that phone number so maybe i will call them tomorrow.
Date: Friday the 20th of August 2021
As i said i was about to call them, but i forgot the name of the store 😛.
In the evening i went to check the name, i mean that was my plan. But i forgot to check it.
At night Bleen, Lea and Tiger were waiting for their dinner so i went downstairs to the street for them.
A motorcycle was coming and i was trying to make some noise with my fingers to make the kids to come to me faster for their safety.
They were meowing so loud until i gave them the food. I used to give them wet food too, but is more expensive and 1 pack isn't enough for four furbabies.
After that i spent some time on social media until i fell asleep.
Date: Saturday the 21st of August 2021
When i wake up the first thing that i'm thinking is if i'm in the mood for walking. I ate for lunch and i thought that i wouldn't go anywhere today.
I did my nails because they had grow a lot and i wanted also to do eye/face mask after a long time, so this day was about beauty.
It took me hours but i enjoyed.
I forgot to mention on Thursday that something strange happend with the cats.
My neighbor used to have a bowl outside of her house, and one night it just dissapeared. She claimed that she didn't throw it away but she didn't put another back.
Today she put it back with full of food for the furbabies. Well, potatoes and spaggetti isn't food for cats or even dogs.
Later Lea showed up, not in my yard but in my balcomy 😲!!
I gave her some dry food and she was eatting like she hasn't see food for years, but i feed her every night. She ate a lot and then Dot came. His tail became fluffy, the hair on his spine were like with electricity and he lowered his body. This means one thing. He was afraid of Lea, and Lea was afraid of Dot.
I was holding him because i didn't want to fight, but when Dot got free, Lea run away. After that, Dot was smelling around the balcony and my mom's bedroom, and every point that she touched, including the window.
Then he ate for dinner so i let him, Lea wouldn't dare to come up again 'cause of Dot.
Date: Sunday the 22nd of August 2021
My plan for today was to go out for walking and at the same time to check the name of that store so i could call them on Monday.
My mom came with me, basically i just anounced her to get ready for walking. I didn't even asked her if she wanted 😛.
We walked a lot and when we returned back home we prepared our dinner.
The furbabies ate too including Dot, and then i spent some time on social media until i fell asleep.
I didn't take many photos this time.
Photos by @georgia1