Steemit Engagement Contest4 ; Describe what you do for personal development“📙 👩👨 #swcengagement4 by @gracyakan

in hive-188403 •  2 years ago 


I'm so furtunate to belong to a group like this and also participate in this week steemit engagement challenge.


When it comes to self improvement we all look for one way or the other to do so because it is important,I will love to describe some of it though I have many ways.

  1. Health

  2. Education

  3. Beauty (aesthetic)


health is wealth, if I'm not healthy i will not be able to work or participate in contest like this infact do anything so that is the more reason I have to take care of my health first and I do this by doing exercise like jogging, kegel and walking, drink water first thing in the morning and eat much of fruit



In a day I will jogg for 30minuite to help me maintain my normal weight and keep fit all the time, keep me flexible, strengthen my immunity and keep my heart healthy, prevents me from having arthritis and look younger.

Kegel is also known as pelvic floor exercise, I like it a lot especially when I put to birth why?



Because it will make my tummy to be flat, pelvic floor muscle will contract quickly and return to pre pregnancy state, tightening my bladder and rectal muscle, improve my orgasm and not to pass gas any how, prevents me from having leakage of urine and feaces etc.


when I wake up in the morning I use to drink water first before I brush my teeth, that's why I like to brush before sleeping in the night.
Drinking water first in the morning will help activate my system to start functioning normal, it will prevent constipation, strengthen my immunity, make my skin to glow and aids in proper digestion.




I like eating fruit most of time instead of spending money to buy junk like pizza, burger etc, I use that money and buy fruits of all kinds and eat, sometimes I use it to make my home made juice because this will help me to stay rehydrated all day due to plenty of water it has,it bust my immunity, it gives me plenty of water soluble vitamins, it fight against infection and improve my sight.





No one is above education and learning is a process, there are new ideas that one need to learn in order to aquire more knowledge so I use to attend conferences, seminars, upgrade myself in some areas of specialty that will make be useful to myself, my profession and the society, also fits into the world and change as it is changing and be updated in my practice.




As a woman I love to be beautiful although God created every one beautiful in its own way, we need to do something that will bring out the beauty in us,so am always interested in something that will make me look and feel good, my appearance is very important to me also.
That word aesthetic is all about beautiful,which includes not only person but environment and it is also among the basic needs of human before one can reach self actualization level. So I always keep my environment clean because cleanliness is next to Godliness, have my bath,make my hair, wear clean and beautiful dress, fine shoes even if it is not costly but look nice and presentable, do my makeup before I go out from the house, so that before another person will admire me and said you are beautiful, I already know i am and this always makes me happy.




  • Base on my experience and what I noticed from others, I will recommend that everyone both men and women should first of all do things that improve or develop themselves before any other thing.

  • Everyone should take care of their health because life is good and have no duplicate

  • Always look good because appearance matters a lot, you will be address the way you dress.

I invite @goodybest, @vickydear, and @emmybless to participate in this Contest

Thanks for reading


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You look muah when you are all dressed up
And for the water therapy I give you a salute
That thing isn't easy
I can see all your development activities reflecting on your body

That's great

Thanks, I'm grateful

Your activities to develop yourself are wonderful. Exercise, education, and fruits can really developing oneself and you are doing great with them. The results are obvious. Keep it up dear.

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el agua es un ingrediente vital para el ser humano y al igual que el ejercicio, que bueno que practiques estas cosas, estoy segura que es lo mejor que puedes hacer por tu cuerpo amigo. felicidades, yo estoy en la lucha de beber mucha agua jeje

Thanks I appreciate your comment

What a wonderful post,i believe what you said ooo, the way you dress, is the way you are address.

Yes, thanks for reading my post

Hola amiga, me alegra saber que cuidas de mucho de tu salud física, hacer ejercicios no solo nos mantendrá en forma, sino que también nos hará gozar de una muy buena salud, al igual que la buena hidratación y el ingerir frutas!!!

Como mujer, me encanta ser bella, aunque Dios creó a cada persona bella a su manera, debemos hacer algo que resalte la belleza en nosotras

En este aspecto estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, solo debemos Resaltar la belleza que Dios nos dió, saludos y te deseo mucho éxito!!!

Thanks for reading my post

Isn't it obvious! You're doing great my lovely Sis, things you did for personal development is very important and it showing on you! Thanks for sharing with us here I wish you success!

Thanks my love for your nice comment, hope to read from you

It is good to exercise oneself regular this helps you to keep fit. Yes,its good to look beautiful always.

Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best in this challenge

You're welcome

You are indeed working hard to keep yourself healthy, I can't imagine myself jogging every morning.

I only jog whenever I wanna play football and this helps me to carry myself easily.
Tnks for sharing this quality post, keep it up.

Kindly drop a review on my contest

Thanks for the appreciation

You have a wonderful active to develop yourself I can see the reason you look beautiful at all times thank you for sharing this tips with us it is beneficial.

Thanks dear for your nice comment and the appreciation 😘😘 😘

Your strategies of development are wonderful, exercising yourself and taking a good amount of water will keep all body cells alive and active

Education is the best legacy, even the young ones know this.

You have presented your activities for personal development and I like all, especially the taking fresh fruit it makes the body skin fresh.

Best of luck

Thanks dear for reading my post

health is wealth

Indeed health is wealth my dear. No one can do anything in a poor health situation.

I have never heard of kegel.... This is a new one I am learning now. How is it done? I will like to try it too.

Eating healthy food, drinking water is also part of staying healthy with really helps build out system to function well.

Learning comes in any direction so cease the moment when it comes. Take for sharing

Yes kegel is also known as pelvic floor exercise, you tuck in your tummy and hips, hold your buttocks as if you're holding feaces not to come out then breath in and hold it for 30min

Mum complains i dont drink enough water, ill try and keep up alongside healthy foods and drink

Please try and be drinking before you know, you will get use to it

Hello @gracyakan,

I like your style of personal development. Indeed health is wealth and on of the best ways to remain healthy is by regular exercise. I hope to do exercise regularly as this is something I lack.

I also admire the fact the you drink water every morning. It surely improves metabolism. This too is something I would love to inculcate. In addition, to eating fruits rather than junk.

It is always good to attend seminars and conferences because you will always learn new things and best of them Is that you can connect with people.

You post is so nice.

Thanks for the compliment

Exercise is very good for the body, keep it friend ! And oh, u have good aesthetic taste !

For sure health is wealth. It's great to do sports frequently.

I used to practice the early morning water therapy. But it's been a while I did that. It's a really great way to remind healthy.

Happy to read and learn some tips from you. Good luck

Thanks for reading my post

Early morning water therapy is great, I do drink hot water very early in the morning, but recently I'm not keep up to it. Exercise is good and It keeps your body fit. You look so beautiful in those pictures. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the appreciation

Hola @gracias: Sin duda que la apariencia es gran valor que algunas religiones y algunos grupos quieren bajarle pero claro que es valiosa que no es lo único valioso es cierto pero si importa e importa mucho, siempre vas a preferir en tu trabajo, en tu vioda, entre tus amigos alguien que se vea limpio, aseado , organizado a alguien desastrozo.

Very good way to stay healthy, I also enjoy eating a lot of fruit, only sometimes I make mistakes like making jams full of sugar and preparing cookies, which is not so healthy, but sometimes it's okay to sin, right? i liked your post my regards

Thanks I appreciate

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Wow thank you very much I am so grateful