I learnt about autism a long time ago, when most Nigerians didnt even rate it. Not because I am so smart or becos we are so ignorant, but simply becos, I read wide...I am also very interested in children, so I am vested.
I have close friends whose kids have Autism and I tell u, it's not an easy thing, not because of Autism itself, but because of the society we live in.
Our people scorn anything they do not understand...we have a marked lack of boundaries and empathy, that makes one loose hope.
Autism is real. It's not demon possession. It's not communicable. It's not a curse. It's not as a result of bad parenting. It's not caused by vaccines...
Autism is just...a person responding DIFFERENTLY to his/her environment.
An Autistic child or person is not a dullard...far from it, most of them are very intelligent and prodigious...they just have a different way or relating to the world around them, which may differ from the norm.
In order to teach and understand them, u have to understand how their brains work and they differ from person to person.
Signs and symptoms typically begin to show around ages 2-3, while some people intervene early, a lot of us ignore these signs and subject the child to a life of being forced to behave like others.
Most autistic people prefer to be alone...their social skills might not be as developed as others their age, they may exhibit some repetitive movements, picky diets,issues with communication, just to mention a few.
With good intervention, a child/person with autism can live a long, happy and productive life.
Autism is the fastest growing behavioral disorder in the world today.
I have a close friend whose child had been diagnosed...I am amazed at how she has put her life on hold, doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to help her child, diet, programs and all she can...
I see the frustration when it seems not to take, I also see the joy and happiness when progress is made...most importantly, I see the love and commitment from the parents...so I know that this child will be VERY Ok!
Its Autism Awareness Day...to all parents living with Autistic kids...God bless your efforts. U are not alone! Keep at it.