Helllo friends i want to share with you a recipe of brinjal colyflower mix veg
It is very easy to cook with few ingredients and it is very convenient to cook ,any one can make it veru easily
So lets get start
For making this veg we need ...
1 some colyflower
1 some brinjal
3 tomato
4 onion
5 garlic
6 chili
7 cumin
8 coriander
9 oil
10 chili ,coriander , turmeric powder
This are ingredients which are needed for making this veg
So let's talk about how we will make this
First we take colyflower
Cut it
And take some brinjal
Cut it and wash it
Tomato onion etc cut it in small pieces
Ater that take a pan and put some oil on it
For frying
Let it hot after 2-3min put onion, chili ,cumin, garlic on pan fry it till it get golden brown
Then put the colyflower first on pan after some time when colyflower get fried put brinjal on pan it is becouse COLYFLOER take more time to fry than brinjal ,let it fry then put some tamoto on it
Then add chilli, turmaric, and coriander powder on it and mix it well by using spoon
![IMG-20210331-WA0023.jpg](UPLOAD FAILED)
Fry it for 6to 7 min and mix it in every in 1min of interval
Now it is ready to serve
Try this easy and simple recipe
You can try this with rise , chapati or puri
This how guys i prepar this veg by my self ,try it
And thank you guys for visiting this procedure
Hope you are doing well in your life