Journey to aesthetics part 8- You and your mental health//10% beneficiary to @smilenigeria

in hive-188403 •  2 years ago 


Hello dear aesthetics women, it's my pleasure to be here again talking about aesthetics and as you know aesthetics is not only on the physique nor manners but also from our inner being, and by that I mean your mental well being.

Just as you would look loose and unattractive physically when you are physically ill, if you are not mentally healthy you could also be likewise. But do not want that to be the case as aesthetic women we need to keep up our aesthetics mentally too. Lets look at this condition;

You didn't wake from the left side of the bed, no one angered you, you don't hit your left foot, nothing really happened neither are you hungry but then you can't just find yourself in the mood, you cant just feel the vibes around you in fact every thing seems eerie and actually you are sad😥. You could probably have fallen a victim of a condition known as hypophrenia.

Hypophrenia has been stated to mean a stated to being sad without any seeming cause so I simply paraphrase it to be self induced sadness. This mental disorder has sure sent many into the blues.

Note: mental disorders ain't the same as mental illnesses. I won't go in details explaining the differences but mental disorders as the name implies is a disturbance, disarrangement of the mind not of the body.
while mental illness are diseases pertaining to the dysfunction of a part of the brain or body.

Notably, mental disorders can progressively lead to mental disorders
Their examples ofcourse are;
Dysthymic disorder( hypophrenia 4 more than 2 years)
Anexora nervosa (an eating disorder)
Trichotillomania( recurrent pulling out of ones hair)

Is it normal to be hypophrenic?

Let's say, its a bit unfortunate that you may have fallen in to this well laid out trap- hypophrenia in one way more or at some point in your life. Yes it happens, so you ain't totally out of place to be hypophrenia just try and get yourself out of it as quickly as possible.

Hypophrenia seems to be some depressed mood without a cause, but is that really the case?
Hypophrenia is a triggered feeling, but some thing must trigger another right? So theres definitely an underlying cause one you havent been able to identify.

In other words, there has always been a reason for this feeling of sadness, the problem is sometimes we can't just trace it and so it happens to have no seeming cause.

Will we ever get relieve from this I'll feeling?

Of course you can, but one thing you should note is that sadness is addictive before getting to the panacea let's see a few possible reason and symptoms of this addictive sadness.

What could be wrong?

Anything could possibly be wrong. Anything Hypophrenia could be caused by a feeling of insecurity and loneliness where you lose friends or might see no need in making friends will eventually leave and sometimes not telling people about our problems can make us sad but then we might be feeling we are bothering or pestering another person it could also be a result social responsibility.

Sadly, Some dunno when they are sad/depressed nor can they identity the cause of their sadness. This state can do doubt occur due to hormonal effect like when a lady is in her period. She experiences mood swings.

Despite all this. Beware not to be caught in this skillfully laid trap. It can lead to more serious conditions like hallucinations n schizophrenia

But then many of us steemians are mothers, workers, home keepers, business women and many more. Going about our daily routine without a break can cause this condition it could be a perception that

  • Exhausts you
  • Break you down
  • make you anxious
  • Easily irritated
  • lazy and sluggish

Is there a way out?
Yes, health is wealth

🌀Access you life

🌀 Stop self comparison

🌀Adopt a good eating diet

🌀 Talk to someone. Could be a psychologist or healthcare counselor

🌀 Have a good exercise routine, it helps the mind

🌀spread love- be found among those who love you and share the love

🌀 Be happy n and celebrate for your little achievement

🌀Divert your mind from anything that can trigger the hypophrenic you

🌀stay positive

🌀Get enough sleep like enough

🌀 Get yourself busy n switch activities don't see movie or text all day.

🌀 If you get overly stressed, try changing your activities, take a rest and rejuvenate

🌀 Avoid toxic people and toxic activities

🌀 Accept life d way it is. Avoid over thinking

🌀 Plan your life schedule even if its to make a to do list along with discipline and you'll see u have given no room for undue sadness.

🌀 Turn your miles to smiles

There are a thousand tips to keep mentally fit, but i listed a few and importantly you cant do the last option if you keep being a workaholic, your mental health should be your priority, dont trade it for anything its part of your aesthetics

To this end, I'm sure you have atleast picked a few stuff you may never have known, an aesthetic lady never forgets her mental health. So, lets keep a healthy mental state in steemwomen club. See you on our next episode: part 9 of "journey to aesthetics ."

My introduction postlink

The aesthetic series

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven

Cc; @smilenigeria

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After reading through your writeup, I have learnt to take some of this tips you have given as a way out. They are not sold in the market, they are free, it just for us to follow the tips and see the amazing benefits. Theife we live today is full of stress and anxiety which can make someone some from mental disorder even progressing to mental illness. Thank you for sharing this valuable information

Thanks so much. The stress of running from work to home to healty is not easy and can affect us mentally

Woww, so there's is a name for it. Often, I feel overwhelmed and sad some days and it takes some time before I can get out of the mood. But with your educative content, i have understood that it is not wrong to feel like that. I would gladly try out some of the tips if I experience it again.

Thatll be great. I feel so sometimes too. Everybody does

So interesting. It came in handy and in time. I have been having this feeling that am struggling to overcome. Now, it's made easy. Thanks for sharing.


I'm glad it was timely and trust me you'll soon get over it ma'am


This is a wonderful piece @kay-owobia

Thankyou, i appreciate

Thank you for setting 10% to smilenigeria, this will go a long way.

Its been my utmost pleasure