Journey to aesthetics pary 11- You and your hygiene

in hive-188403 •  3 years ago  (edited)


Top of the hour ladies and gents. It's good to be back again with our "journey to aesthetics" part 11. Today we'll be talking about women aesthetics in hygiene. To start, let's get to know the concept of hygiene.

"Hygiene is a practice of keeping ourselves an environment clean and healthy." Segmenting hygiene we'll start with hygiene in the kitchen.

Kitchen hygiene:

I'm definitely in no support of the saying that "a woman's place is in the kitchen" because I believe every woman too has a space in the world. But obviously, between both genders, women do better in kitchen matters. So, let's see a few sanitary steps to aesthetics in our kitchen;

Cleaning your kitchen should be one top priority. For those of us that loves cooking, you know theres no much joy like working in a clean kitchen.

  • Start by sweeping and then mopping, dont forget the table tops and cabins they can breed cockroaches and you know what those small but mighty creatures can do.
    Imagine you were slicing some tomatoes and some fall on the counter or table tops, if your table tops ain't clean, trust me you'll still have that dissatisfaction in putting back that slice even if you wash it

  • Do not keep plates over nights. That's where little creatures find a tasty meal in leftovers and crumbs. My mum usually screams "wash your plates, dont you know cockroaches carry 200 diseases?" Well, that did stuck to my brain that I had to read about cockroaches.

  • Clean the utensils and kitchen equipment . The cookers and stove get rusty and spoil faster when not maintained properly. Clean and replace the pans and other equipment.
    Having rusty utensils and equipment makes your kitchen look dirty and untidy even if it might not be.

  • Do not forget to wear a scarf or any head gear to prevent hair particles in your food. You could also choose some glooves to protect yourself.

Bathroom hygiene

Keeping a good sanitation even in the bathroom is also necessary. Though some health professionals have said that there's nothing like toilet infection. A good bathroom sanitation can promote a good health. How comfortable are you using a filthy bathroom or toilet. Ouch! Not advisable.

  • Do well to scrub the toilet seat with a brush in and out. You could put some disinfectant on the top.

  • As usual, floors ain't left out. Pink slimy substance can stick on the floor and can even make you slip and fall.

  • You remember toilets has walls too, you could get a brush or sponge if a brush is too hard specially for the walls and if you have a bathtub, I think you'll need another special sponge too to ease your clean.

General house hygiene

Having mentioned two important places in the house. Other places like the sitting room and dining are no exception to sanitation. You could try out this few steps even to your general house cleaning whether to your kitchen or toilet too

  • set a cleaning schedule. You could do normally sweeps during mid days and on Saturdays thorough cleaning . In that way, you'll always feel clean n healthy around you

  • Have you tried dusting the furniture, TV and its console, bookshelf and even the flower vases? There are good ways to reduce dust and promote a healthy sanitary practice.

  • Sweeping and mopping the floors thoroughly gives your home a much different look. You could add a disinfectant too especially when cleaning the floors and windows

Personal Hygiene

Maybe I should have brought double stress to this as it's the most delicate needing the most attention. Sanitary practice matters most here in your health and sometimes, your personal hygiene tells on the outside. Let's see some instances

  • Bad breathe. Waowww! I have heard so much about this and I'm sure you have. In secondary school, I was forced to ask a girl of her diet. She was very fair and beautiful with thick hairs and all. But, bad breathe spoiled nahhhh. Twas terrific. People hardly enjoyed close conversations with her and that's not aesthetics.

You could use a flush or mouth wash to clear food remnants after eating . And you remember our episode on what goes into your bag? Dont forget a candy or gum in your bag and ofcourse brushing regularly is super vital.

  • Body odour. Have you stayed for about 30 mins with someone who has a body odour before? And maybe after leaving the smell still lingers around that place or their clothes reeks unpleasantness.

It's so discomforting, so I'd rather recommend a regular bathe about 2 times a day and remember to wash well, especially places like the armpits as they readily emit those bad smells. You could use deodorants or sprays in some

  • Grooming is also a personal member our post about grooming, you could go search it. Grooming is aesthetic and should be taken very seriously

Let's draw the curtain here instead of bothering you with long hygiene stories. I hope you read it carefully. Let's talk more in the comment if you'v got any question or contribution . Meanwhile heres our series of journey to aesthetic
Enjoy. Salome!

My introduction postlink

The aesthetic series

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten

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I have learnt from your post.
For women,hygiene should be the pick above everything.

Thanks alot for sharing

U gerrid sis. Hygiene should be top

Another great Educational Content for women.., men can still get some good lessons here. Thank you for sharing.

Sure. Men can too. Dont mind my gender specification, maybe i should work on that.

No, its okay...its just fine. We can always come here to read it

This is very educative as I have picked alot of corrections from it, Thank you.

Its my greatest pleasure dear. Ypu can also chevk out previous seroes. Im sure youll love it

This is very educating, sometimes we are too busy to do our chores very well especially kitchen hygiene, I could remember what all this tiny flies can do to dishes when not washed, all lastly our healthy living depends on how clean we are.

Thats right. The typhoid we get infected with is as a result of infestations especially from those annoying creatures called cockroach.

Am telling you, is so annoying